NTST First Words

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Neo and Emerald were sitting in the lounge, to obsessed with you to listen to Torchwick complaining. Emerald would say a word, and Neo would sign it out. You giggled every time your mother would sign it.

Torchwick walked infront of you three and rolled his eyes.

"You need to stop paying attention to this kid. " he said.

Neo stood up and stomped her foot repeatedly as Emerald yelled and fussed.

Torchwick put his hands up in defense and bent down to you. He smiled and tenderly stroked your cheek with his thumb.

"She/He really is adorable." He mumbled.

Neo stood in place, stunned that he said those words. You laughed and clapped your hands together. He stood up and walked away, but his hat fell off and you grabbed it. He turned around.

"Hey! Give that back!" He said, lunging for it.

You pulled it in to your chest and turned away.

"No!" You yelled.

He jerked back, and Neo grabbed you. Emerald fangirled over your first words. You laughed, a bit confused as to why they were freaking out. Neo and Emerald turned around and squeezed you tightly, making your eyeballs pop out of your head. Family is good, Torchwick thought, watching you three from a distance.



Torchwick laughed as you rolled on the floor next to him. Your adorable confusion was amazing to him; very entertaining to him. He sat crossed-legged in his chair, his arm on the armrest supporting his head.

You squalled and rolled again. He chuckled.

"Heheheheh. You're so stupid, (Y/N). So, so stupid." He joked.

Mercury was walking by, and he stopped when he saw you and Torchwick. He laughed and continued walking.

Why was everyone laughing at you? Couldn't they see that you were struggling? Why weren't they helping you upright?

You whimpered and Torchwick sighed.

"Please stop making that noise, (Y/N)." He said, a bit annoyed now.

Neo smacked him on the back of the head. He turned around quickly, holding gis injured head. She smirked, flicked his nose, and pushed your back. Thanks to Neo, you sat up.

"N-Neo!" You exclaimed as you grabbed onto her necklace.

She silently laughed and pulled your hand away from her jewelry. Your arms automatically went up in the air and she lifted you up. Torchwick sat behind her, even more annoyed that you said 'Neo' instead of 'dada' first.



Salem and you were sitting at her large table, you in her lap. After the meeting, she lifted you up and walked to the balcony.

"Come, my (Y/N). Let us look out over my creations." She said.

You stayed silent as she set you on the edge of the balcony. Tyrian came up behind her. He smiled.

"Isn't it beautiful, (Y/N)? Isn't it, isnt it?!" He laughed.

"Tyrian, you are frightening her/him." Salem said, not batting an eye as she continued to look at you.

"Our queen loves them very much, but not as much as she loves you! You are her reason now!! You, you!! Out of everyone here she chose you!!! You lucky brat!" He yelled.

You screamed and clung to Salem.

"M-Momma!" You squalled into her chest.

Salem looked at Tyrian, a grown on her face.

"Tyrian, I had told you once to leave, to prevent you hurting my grimm. Tyrian, I have instructed you to care for her/him, yet you scared her/him. Tyrian, you have disappointed me. Leave." She held you in her arms.

Tyrian let tears slip from his face as he screamed once more: "I hate you." He ran off into her castle as she held you. Leaning her mouth to your ear, she whispered I love you. You still held onto her, your tiny fists full of her dress.



Tyrian ran through the country side, trying to spot Ruby. You giggled as he ran swiftly and quickly to Signal. He propped himself up in atree outside of her classroom and watched, waiting for his chance to strike. As he looked for her, You spotted a really pretty red head with a cape on her back. You giggled at how awkward she was. You wanted to be friends with her, if you knew what friends were. As you watched her, Tyrian complained that he couldnt find her, but you paid no attention to him, to absorbed in watching her.

"Whats got you so occupied, my grim reaper?" He asked.

He followed your eyes and spotted the girl you were looking at.

"(Y/N)! Its Ruby, the b!tch I told you about!" He said, clapping in amusement.

He held you with his tail and leapt from the treetops. You sighed.

"Daaaaaaada!" You said, wanting him not to kill her.

He looked at you and geld you with his arms.

"My grim reaper!! Do you have any idea what you just said?!!?" He asked.

He threw you into the air and caught you.

"Lets go tell our queen what you just said, grim reaper." He said before jumping into the air, and running back to Salems castle.

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