Oobleck First birthday

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Oobleck raced around the house, making a mental checklist of everything he had prepared. The only thing that was missing was a cake, and Port was supposed to bring that later on. Why? Well, it was your first birthday! And where were you on this amazing day?

Asleep. As always. Oobleck was fast and energetic, but you weren’t. You were slow and lazy, always sleeping and eating and barely doing anything. You didn’t even wake up at night, meanwhile Oobleck stayed up, writing at his desk so he was there if you woke up.

He looked at you through the door frame, watching your little chest rise and fall with each breath you took. Finally, you were 1. And finally he was able to give you a birthday.

He had been planning it for months and months, waiting for the right time to talk to someone about it.

The doorbell rang, and oobleck rushed to answer it. Port stood expectantly at the door.

“Nice to see you, friend!” Oobleck greeted him and let him in the house. 

Port sat the cake on the table and looked at all the decorations.

“I thought the party started at 5?” 

“Yes, it will.”

“It’s 11 in the morning.”


“Oobleck, why are the decorations up so soon??”

“I…” he tried, but he couldn’t answer without looking ridiculous. “I couldn’t wait..” he mumbled truthfully.

“You never settle down, do you? Just like in highschool! Remember that?” Port gave a loud chuckle.

“Yeah...let’s not talk about that!” oobleck looked away from Port red faced.

Oobleck shoved the cake in the fridge and went to your nursery. Then, he turned on the lights and gently shook you, waking you up from your deep sleep and bringing you into the world of reality. You rubbed your irritated eyes and yawned.

“Gooood morning, darling!” he chirped. “You’re up early!”

“Daaaddy.” you mumbled and rolled over.

“Not so fast! Lets get you dressed and ready!”

Oobleck searched through your closet and chose a pink dress. Then, he slid it over your half-asleep state.

He brought you into the living room, where you instantly fell back asleep

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He brought you into the living room, where you instantly fell back asleep. He let you, however, and waited for more guests to come.


You woke up to your father shaking you gently, making sure not to scare you. You looked at him and yawned.

“It’s your birthday!” he cheered.

He lifted you, and you were surrounded by people. When did this happen? He brought you over to a very nice cake and cut you a slice, then handed you a big bite, which you took gratefully.

 When did this happen? He brought you over to a very nice cake and cut you a slice, then handed you a big bite, which you took gratefully

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“Happy birthday, (Y/N)!” everyone yelled.

You simply yawned again.

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