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Ruby Rose:

Ruby began walking around Vale, attempting to find her team after they ran from her vision. As Ruby walked past a dark alley, she heard cries from the shadows. She wanted to investigate it, so she quietly hummed to herself while walking down the alley slowly. Once she came to a dead end, she went to turn back, stepping in a puddle. She looked down, realizing it hasn't rained in quite a few days. To her surprise, a woman had been ripped open and her blood had spilled in the alley. To make things worse, the woman was holding an infant swaddled in a (F/C) blanket. Ruby carefully lifted you out of the corpse's arms and took you to Beacon. She waited out of Ozpin's office. As she studies your features, she was glad that you had (H/C) hair. The door slammed open beside her, startling you. Your big (E/C) eyes opened wide and you began to cry.

"Miss Rose, what is that sound?" Ozpin asked as Ruby carefully stepped into his office.

She began to explain everything, from her team mates, to the woman, and then to her journey back to Beacon. Ozpin listened very closely, and gently took you from her arms. Ruby was hesitant at first to let you go, but decided that it was best if Ozpin held you.

"It is probably best to simply send her to an orphanage." Ozpin sighed, picking up his scroll.

"No!" Ruby yelled, grabbing you from Ozpin. "I can take care of her!"

Before Ozpin could agree or disagree, she ran out of his office and to her dorm. Once she got there, she gently sat you on Yangs bed. Weiss looked at you and scoffed.

"Whose baby?" She asked.

"Mine." Ruby replied.

"Wow sis! Didn't think that you were into that kinda stuff!" Yang laughed.

"Not funny Yang!" Ruby said, and without hesitation, she explained to her team what happened, not once taking her eyes off of you.

"And Ozpin let you keep her?" Blake asked.

"Heheh, funny, because he didn't actually say yes or no. I just, kinda, ran off." Ruby rubbed the back of her neck, afraid of their answer, especially Weiss's.

"So that's why I need your help! Please!" Ruby begged.

"I'm in!" Yang fistpumped.

"I guess I'll help." agreed Blake.

Everyone turned to look at Weiss, who had an expression of shock plastered on her face.

"What? Of course I'm going to help! It's a child for Remnants sake!" She threw her hands up in the air and picked you up.

"What's her name?" Blake asked.

"How about...(Y/N)!" Ruby cheered.

"Good choice, sis." Yang propped herself up on Ruby's head, and watched as Weiss tickled your belly and as Ruby made a mental plan to go shopping.


Weiss Schnee:

"Ruby! Come back!" Weiss yelled.

She turned around, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of red.

"Ruby!" Weiss yelled again.

"Weiss? Do you hear that?" Ruby walked up behind Weiss and lay a hand on her shoulder.

"Ruby! How did you...?" Weiss looked confused as she turned her head from Ruby, behind her, then to Ruby again.

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