Christmas: Blake

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Blake was up and ready before the sun even came up. She had your outfit layed out and your bags backed. Then, she woke you up. You got up and immediately got in a bath, then you were dressed.

 You got up and immediately got in a bath, then you were dressed

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You two left before the others woke up. You spent the whole day at Vale with your mother. You both went Christmas shopping and then you stopped for ice cream. The whole ride home, she told you about hey fights and about hey life with the White Fang. She told you about Adam and get team, and of course you listened. Once you got back home, yang was the first to jump up.

"(Y/N)!" Ruby cried as she hugged you.

"Why didnt you wake us up?" Weiss asked.

"Because I wanted to have the day with her." Blake said.

Weiss nodded.

"Alone." Blake added.

Weiss frowned.

Blake took you from Ruby and Yang and layed you on her bed. You feel asleep instantly. She and the others layed presents out and went to sleep. In the morning, Blake pulled you out of bed and you all opened presents. Your favorite present was a bow to go inyour hair just like your mother's. Only her bow was hiding something, and yours was not.

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