Salem first birthday

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You looked at the broken moon. It was beautiful, yes, but looked empty. It looked hurt. Like your Mama's eyes.

Salem, however, saw you differently. You were her second chance. Her reason and will. And the reason you even stayed was because of her sympathy that was never there before.

She picked you up from your bed. Her eyes were beautiful to you, and you stared in them, wondering how she could have gotten them. She showed you a beautiful dress.

"Do you like this, my little Grimm?" She asked. You stared in the mirror. She chuckled. Her large, grey hand covered your eyes, and you giggled. She remover her hand.

"See, my love? You're beautiful." She kissed your head and stared into the mirror with you. "Don't think otherwise."

You looked at her, and she stood up. You held on to her fingers and together, you walked. She looked like she was floating while definitely weren't walking...

She giggled as you tripped over your heels. Finally, you opened the door to the gathering room. A large cake sat in the center.

You crawled on the table and plucked the flower from the top before eating it.

"Fondant." She said. "That's nothing but marshmallow...don't get too hyper."



Tyrian held the decorated box close to him as Salem yelled. He sat it down gently. It growled. You walked over to it and touched the box before ripping it open. A small...thing jumped out. Your eyes widened.

"PUPPY!!" you screamed.

"PUPPY!!" you screamed

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And you were right. It was a puppy. A Beowolf puppy. You petted it's ear, and it reached it's slimy black tongue out to lick your arms, leaving a black residue. You giggled. It jumped playfully, and you tackled it. It growled in a cute and easy way, signalling that it knew that you were playing.

"Wrong animal, Tyrian." Salem sighed. He sat there and watched you play, a crazed smile on his face.

"My queen! Look at how happy she is though!"

"We should have waited until after the cake."

You, however, payed them no mind, as your puppy seemed to be more important.


Art is not mine

And it is the same size as you

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