Oscar First Birthday

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(F/F) = favorite flavor

Oscar looked out over his small farm. It had been 1 year since he had gotten you. He couldn’t believe it! A whole year? It seemed nearly impossible! But, sure enough, his calendar had the date marked.

He looked over at you, your soft relaxed face turned to face him, though you were dead asleep. Your small eyelashes batted as you looked around with closed eyes, and the corner to your mouth twitched upward into a smile. He couldn’t even imagine what you were dreaming of.

But the party! He had to make you a party! With cake and presents and people!

“Hey, Auntie?’ he called, hoping that she’d be awake.

“Yes Oscar?” she called back, her voice annoyed and dry.

He rushed down the stairs to see her. She was standing in the kitchen, her hair pulled back and an apron tied loosely around her waist.

“It’s (Y/N)’s first birthday.” he said, his nervousness getting the best of him. “Is there any way you could watch her while I run to the market?”

She nodded. “Absolutely! I would make a cake, but my oven is broken right now.”

She moved to the side to reveal a busted and burnt oven. He hissed at it like he would at a broken leg and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks! I knew I could count on you.”

Oscar dove out of the farm house, slung his boots on, and ran to the market.


“I’d like to buy this cake please!” he grinned, looking at the woman behind the stand.

“Now what would a young boy like you need with a cake like this?” she pondered, carefully lifting the cake and setting it in a box.

“It’s my daughters first birthday!” he replied, still smiling.

The woman choked on the air she was breathing.

“YOUR DAUGHTER?” she gasped.

“Well, some lady dropped her off at my barn, so I decided to take care of her, so yes, my daughter.”

The lady relaxed. “Where are your parents?”

He smiled again. “I honestly have no clue!”

He took the cake, laid the money on the counter, and left the baffled woman to her own thoughts.

Oscar turned a corner calmly before checking to see if anyone was around. Then, he sprinted off back to the farm house.

“DADDY!!” you yelped as you slid off of the couch. You ran to his leg and held it. “That?” you asked, pointing to the large box in his hands.

“Nothing important, baby.” he hummed. He sat the box down and looked at you before lifting you in the air.

“Now who dressed my baby doll?” he asked. He looked around, as if not being able to find anyone in the room but you, and gave you a kiss.

“Nana did!” you smiled, twirling around in your dress.

“Nana did!” you smiled, twirling around in your dress

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He gasped. “She did? I thought it was you!” he laughed  bit before poking your tickle spots, making you giggle loudly. He opened the cake box and sat down before lifting you onto his lap.

 He opened the cake box and sat down before lifting you onto his lap

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You gasped.

“You like it? Its (F/F), your favorite!” he smiled proudly.

You didn't take your eyes off of it as you nodded. You gasped again. “My favorite?”

He chuckled. “Yes! Your favorite!”

You clapped and turned to face him, a large smile on your face.

He kissed your head again and lit the candles. “Happy birthday!”

You smiled. “Happy birfaday daddy.”

He simply laughed and allowed you to blow out the candles.

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