STR Finds You

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Summer had been walking around the forest with her team when she heard a bark. It sounded like a little pup, but that would be impossible because there were no dogs in the-

"Grimm!" She shrieked.

"What?" Taiyang asked.

Summer ran towards the sound. The sight before her was gruesome and bloody.

There, infront of a corpse of a woman, was a large Beowulf and a Beowulf pup. They had been tearing the corpse apart.

"Oh, gross." Raven said from behind Summer.

"Is that a kid?" Qrow squinted his eyes and pointed beside the woman.

"Is it alive?" Taiyang added.

"I guess we're about to find out." Raven said, and she pointed to Summer who had killed both Grimm and picked up the kid.

"It's a girl!" She shouted as she held you up.

You whined and cried, wanting the warmth of your mother.

"What are we going to do with it?" Taiyang asked.

"I'll keep it!" Summer shouted and held you close to her.

"If you wan to." Qrow laughed.



Taiyang was out wit errands when he came across a woman curled up in an alley. He calmly walked up to her, his hands out beside him, ready to help her up.

"Excuse me, miss? Miss? Are you okay?" He asked.

She turned towards him and screamed. The woman had gone insane, and to her, he was another grimm.

"Miss! Its okay!! I won't hurt you." He tried to calm her down, but she screamed again.

She stumbled back and threw you at him, afraid of what he could do to her. He caught you with one simple, swift move. He tried walking to ber again, but she ripped a grapling hook from under her shirt and shot it at the top of a building. She pressed the trigger and flew up into the air. Taiyang sighed when she left.

"The kid ain't even mine and a woman leaves her with me." He said and began the journey home, tickling your tummy and enjoying your little coos and giggles.


Raven sat in her tent as she tried to decide whether to attack the group of thieves harassing her group or to let them have their fun and grow tired of it. Though, of course, she'd rather destroy them all right then and there. As she sait in silence, a man came into the tent.she turned to face him.

"T-This was in the forest...alone." he said.

She looked from him to the baby girl wrapped tightly in his arms. She slowly slid her arms under you and lifted you out of his grasp. He left immediately, and she smirked.

"Why not?" she asked herself as she looked at you.

"Why not make you (Y/N) Branwen?"

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