Torchwick first steps

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I recommend reading this while listening to Skytoucher by The Glitch Mob. It makes it awesome. Though sometimes the timing has to be just right, it'll still seem awesome and bring it to life more. At least in my opinion it will.

Torchwick attempted to control the airship as you two flew over an ocean. Water Grimm circled underneath the ship, and Torchwick couldn't get the airship to stop shaking. You clung to your fathers pants leg as you sat on the floor. The back of the plane opened due to Torchwick accidentally hitting the button on the dash panel.

"Awe, man!" he whined. "That dust was important!"

Dust boxes slid off the plane. You stood up. Your father needed help, and you were the only other one around! You took off towards the button. Torchwick screamed your name, but you didn't hear him. A rolling canister of dust circled your feet, and you tripped over it. You fell to the floor.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled again. "Get over here!"

You looked at him, then the button that was now only a few feet ahead of you. You had made up your mind, and even Torchwick knew that when you wanted something, you would get it. Crawling on top of a box of dust, you reached for the button. Your chubby baby fingers grazed the button. The box wiggled under your weight. Slapping your hand against the button, The door began closing. Torchwick cheered.

"Yeah!" he screamed. "Atta girl!"

You smiled and clapped. A Grimm refused to let you have your fun, however, as it bit the back of your shirt and lifted you up before falling off of the plane. Torchwick gasped.

"Nooooooo!" he yelled. "My baaaaabbbbyyyyyyy!!!"

He circled the airship back around and lunged towards the Grimm. It jumped out of the way. Torchwick landed the airship and stepped off. That Grimm had messed with the wrong kid. He pulled out his cane and shot at the beast. The Grimm leapt backwards. You dangled from his mouth. Torchwick growled deeply and shot at it multiple times. While the Grimm was seeing fuzzy circles from the bullets, Torchwick jumped on it and hit its head with his cane. He kicked it back. The Grimm smacked into a rock. Torchwick grabbed you. His hand supported you under your bottom as he held you tightly. He was not letting you go again. He ended the Grimm with a single blow to its head. You clung to your fathers jacket and sobbed. You were never going to walk again! Torchwick held you closer and shakily pressed a kiss to your head.

It was the first time you had ever seen your father cry.

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