Ruby First Birthday

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Ruby first birthday mk let's get this thing started!!!

Ruby put you to bed early the night before. It was the only thing she could think of that would give her time. Time to plan, that is.

With all of the studying she was getting done, she didn't have enough time to plan. She was very upset about it, so Blake offered to take you out while they all set up.

But that wasn't happening until tomorrow.

For tonight, Ruby would lay you down.

You cuddled into Ruby's warmth as she gently ran her fingers over your cheeks. You shivered under the touch. She smiled at you and kissed your forehead, and the last you saw was her red hair tickling your nose.

Ruby leapt down to the cafeteria. Yang and Weiss were discussing what to do for the party, and Blake was attempting to choose an outfit for you. Ruby smiled at her team and sat down at a table. Your birthday was going to be the best birthday ever. Her team was going to make sure of it.

You woke up bright and early to an excited team. Your mom picked you up and rushed you to the bathroom.

"Mama." You whined.

"Don't worry (Y/N)! You'll be spending the day with Aunt Blake!" She smiled.

You smiled back. A whole day with Blake? You splashed in the tub with excitement and smiled widely. Ruby picked you up and dried you off quickly before handing you off to Blake.

Blake held you and carried your bare form to the closet. As soon as she opened it, she grabbed an outfit and dressed you. You looked in the mirror, and so did she. You both smiled.

She carried you outside, and you rode an airship to Vale

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She carried you outside, and you rode an airship to Vale.

Vale was full of colorful people and shops, and you took off to one store:

An icecream shop.

Blake laughed and grabbed your hand as she opened the door to the shop and went in. Icecream flavors were lined up on the walls, and Blake payed for 2 and lead you to the side with (F/F). You both walked out of the shop with smiles on your faces.

Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Jaune, and Pyrrha ran around the cafeteria as they tried to set decorations up. Nora and Ren entered with armfuls of presents. As everyone quickly set up, Ruby ran to the opening of the school to collect a special package for your birthday.

Blake carried you to another amusement park ride. You hopped on the kiddie coaster and Blake strapped in beside you. You giggled and Blake kept saying "wee" on every turn.

Ruby made sure the bow on the box was perfectly set in place. Then, she drug the box over to the table where the gifts would go. Nora giggled as she threw confetti everywhere, and Ren simply sighed and shook his head with a slight smile on his face.

Blake walked back to Beacon with you on her shoulders. You giggled as the doors opened. No one was around, and your curiosity got the best of you. Where was everyone?

Blake walked you into the cafeteria. It was silent. All was still. All was dark. Suddenly, the lights turned on and many people jumped from hiding spots. Ruby was behind the giant gift table while Yang was behind the large cake. You gasped at the sudden surprise, then giggled.

"Yaay!! Happy birthday, (Y/N)!" They all cheered.

You clapped as Ruby picked you up and held you over a large cake with the number 1 pressed into it. A flame danced upon the top, and the lights dimmed.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear (Y/N), happy birthday to you!" They sang.

Ruby pointed to the candle at the top.

"Go on, blow on it!" She urged.

You did so, and the flame disappeared. Everyone clapped, and you clapped with them. Yang walked over and began cutting pieces of the extremely large cake.

 Yang walked over and began cutting pieces of the extremely large cake

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You smiled at Ruby as she rubbed a bit of frosting on your bottom lip. You licked it up and widened your eyes while nodding.

"Mmm!" You exclaim.

She giggled.

"Mmm!" She said with you.

She took a bite and smiled at the bursting flavor. Then, she gave you a small bite. Everyone grabbed a piece and laughed with eachother.

After cake, Ruby sat you down and put a small present at your feet. You took the paper from the bag and looked at the ornament. It was a rose attatched to a clip.

"Aww! A hair clip!!" Ruby squealed. "Thanks Weiss!"

Weiss smirked. "She needs to look good while killing Grimm, right?"

Everyone laughed.


After many presents, Ruby sat a huge box at your feet. You wasted no time in ripping the paper off the box. Ruby helped you take the tape off of the brown capsule containing your present, and she tipped the box on its side so you can reach in and grab whatever was in there.

A red scythe was in your grasp, and it turned into a mini pop gun. You pulled the trigger and giggled at the pop cap that shot out. Then, you pulled a lever and it turned back into a scythe with foam blades. Ruby squealed, though she was the one to give it to you.

"You can be just like me now!!!!!" She yelled and picked you and your scythe up.

You played with the scythe in the bedroom while the team cleaned up, and after a while Ruby walked up to you and lifted you. She walked you to the restroom and sat you on the ground before stripping you of your clothing. Then, she sat you in the bath and ran hot water over your hair. After playing with bubbles for a while, she towel dried you and layed you in bed.

"Night (Y/N)." She whispered.

You yawned. "Nigh nigh, mommy."

She kissed your nose and curled up beside you.

Best birthday ever.

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