Neptune: first steps

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Neptune and Sun walked through the doors to their dorm, only to find Sage laying on the ground with you on his chest, giggling happily. Scarlet was on the ground, laughing uncontrollably, and Sage had a straight face as he layed still.

"S-She's so little, yet she has so much power over you, Sage!" Scarlet laughed.

"Shut up." Sage groaned, though he smiled at you.

You put both hands on the overly large mans face and slapped his cheeks, then his forehead. Sage faked an "ow" and allowed you to continue hitting him. You then moved to sit on his stomach as you slapped his chest, red baby hand imprints forming. He simply laughed. Scarlet had enough and picked you up.

"We need to get her some clothes on before her father comes home and chews us out." Scarlet said.

Neptune slammed the door against the wall and marched/stomped over to Scarlett dramatically.

"Too late!" He yelled as he yanjed you from Scarlett.

You whined when he dragged you out the door, so he sat you down.

"Fine! Run to them if you want them, sit here if you want me, your father." Neptune instructed.

Sun chuckled. "She can't walk."

"My point exactly!" Neptune smiled.

His smile didnt last for long, seeing how you stood up and bolted to Scarlett. Neptune fell to his knees with his mouth gaping open.

"Oh yeah, Neptune, by the way," Sage laughed. "We taught her to walk."

Neptune slumped to the ground, fully unconscious.

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