Salem and Tyrian high fives and kisses: 6 monthes

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You and Salem were circling the castle in an attempt to put you to sleep. You, of course, had other plans. You giggled as she cradled you.

"You need sleep." She hummed.

You giggled more.

"You need to grow up healthy, not sickly."

She continued to hold you and walk around, her cape dragging behind her. You looked out of a window, and watched as the newly-created Grimm left the puddles of the weird goo to go and cause chaos. Salem followed your line a vision. She smirked.

"Do you like them?" She asked. "They will go and stop peace."

You giggled and clapped excitedly. She smiled and kissed your cheek. You kissed hers back.



Tyrian had you wrapped up in his tail as he sat at Salem's long table. You cried, wanting some attention from your father. He growled, which only scared you. Salem grew irritated.

"Tyrian." She began. "You get your daughter out of here, now! And if you cant do that, then you can leave too."

Tyrian, feeling rejected by his queen, shot up. He ran to his room and slammed the door behind him. He threw you on the bed.

"My queen! My queen rejected me!" He cried. "And its all because of you!"

You cried at his angry tone. He hit the wall and stabbed it repeatedly. His screams scared you and you whimpered. Then, he turned around with flames in his eyes. He calmed down once he saw your position.

"(Y/N), I'm-I'm sorry. I-I didnt mean to scare you, baby." He whispered.

You tried to roll away from him, but his arms stopped you. He pulled You into a loving embrace. Then, he layed down with you and kissed your head. You looked up, and kissed his head forgivingly.

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