Ilia Amitola

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Finds you:

Ilia hopped on buildings and ran among the balconys of houses. She had been told to get ready for yet ANOTHER White Fang meeting. After all the time she spent working with them, she was still confused on if she agreed with them or not. Either way, she had to attend the meeting.

As she leapt and slid across the platforms, something lingered in her mind. She was lonely. She was scared. She didn't understand why she felt the way she did, but she guessed it was just from losing her parents in a dust mine. And as traumatizing as it was, she couldn't let the humans get away with it.

As she ran, she felt something nudge her foot. She looked down, expecting trash, or at the very worst case ever, another faunus that she could easily take on. All of her assumptions were wrong the moment she saw a young childs hand reach out to touch her again.

She skid to a stop and ran back over to the kid. A baby girl lay in a basket beside a heater that had been going for some time. The kid was sweating, though she made no noise. Ilia picked up the kid.

She smiled down at you, amazement in her eyes. A hawk faunus. That was incredible! Wings sprouted from your back, and Ilia ran her fingers down them. She smiled. The soft downy feathers were messed up and dirty, and she had the kindness and patience to wash them off.

She walked back to camp with you in her arms and a smile on her face. Whether she liked it or not was out of the question, but she had a new daughter. A hawk faunus. A new addition to the White Fang.

First words:

You were being held by Fennec. He brushed his ears against your face. You giggled loudly and pushed them away. He smiled and brushed them against you again, and you giggled again.

Ilia had been out at another White Fang raid. She trusted the Albain brothers in keeping an eye on you, and every time they had managed to keep you in one piece.

Adam and many other White Fang members asked about you constantly. They didn't want you hurt. You were the newest and youngest addition, anyways. You were close enough as family, and many men saw you as their daughter, just as many women did. Ilia didn't like it. She finally had something that she could hold dear to her, and yet everyone tried to take it away.

Fennec brushed his ear against your cheek again, but Corsac stopped him. Fennec glared, but listened to his brother.

"Ilia will be back soon." Corsac said. "We wouldn't want her to take (Y/N) away forever, would we?"

Fennec shook his head. "I guess not. I do wish she wouldn't get so jealous, though."

Corsac frowned. "So do I, brother."

Ilia walked through the doors and smiled at them. "Thanks for watching over her again!"

The brothers nodded with smiles on their faces as well.

"It was a pleasure of ours."

She took you and walked out the door. You hugged her neck and smiled widely.

"Momma!" You squealed.

She gasped and patted your back.

"(Y/N)! I'm so happy! You're such of a good girl!"

She ran to the White Fang camp and stood straight. Then, the inhaled.


Every fauna in the camp rushed out to see you. They cheered loudly and clapped. All you could do was smile.

High fives and kisses:

Fennec held onto your waist tightly.

"Corsac!" He yelled. "Help!"

You kicked and screamed wildly. What happened, you ask?

Every faunus wanted to protect you. You were so small and fragile, after all. Fennec had walked into the room that you were in, only to find you playing with a knife. He had taken the knife and lifted you into the air, earning screams and kicks to the face.

"Fennec!" Corsac yelled.

He picked you up and held you close to him. You screamed and faught against him to the best of your abilities, but Fennec grabbed you before you could really get a good kick in.

"How could one child be so strong?!" Corsac asked.

Fennec shrugged as you calmed down.  He handed you a bottle and rubbed your head gently. You smiled at him and drank the liquid from the bottle. Fennec smiled at you and kissed your forehead. You sat up and raised your hands.

He picked you up and held you closely. You kissed his cheek and smiled. He touched his cheek and smiled in response.

Corsac glared and picked you up. You kissed his cheek too, and he smiled as well.

Now you had them wrapped around your finger.

First steps:

Ilia held you as you stood on her shoes and allowed her to walk you around her tent. She smiled warmly. You giggled, feeling as though you could really walk. She sat you down and ran to get some food.

You realized that you were alone and you called for Ilia. She didn't hear you, and you tried again.

Finally getting fed up with being alone, you stood up. Slowly, you stepped forwards. Gravity got the best fo you, and you fell to the ground.

Ilia opened the tent flap and saw you stand up again. She brought her hands up to her mouth and gasped silently. Other fauna jouned in and watched as you made your way to them. Ilia picked you up and cheered. So did everyone else. All you could do was clap and cheer along with them.

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