Cardin Winchester

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Finds you:

Cardin walked down the halls of Beacon with his hands clasped behind his head. Though he needed to be in class, he had decided that it would be best to skip. His little brain could only hold so much, after all.

As he walked, he thought about Jaune and Velvet. They were annoying and weak, and he was the strongest. So why didn't they listen to him? Of course, he picked on others. However, none of them held his interest for long, as Jaune and Velvet were his favorite to pester. They were losers, and he was the coolest.

His actions didn't phase him at all. But, if it was someone else doing it to someone he loved, there would be an issue. A MAJOR issue.

With that thought in mind, he wondered about children. They were annoying, snot filled, lazy, farting machines. He couldn't care for one, or be bothered to even think of one for that matter. That was, until, he saw you lying by a tree in the courtyard.

He stopped abruptly and allowed his arms to drop. Yes, his eyesight was not mistaken, there was in fact a child all alone in the school courtyard.

"Who the hell would leave a kid at an academy?!" He thought out loud.

His heavy boots lead him to you, though his mind begged for them to stop. Then, his arms reached down and picked you up, and he wasn't sure if he was even himself. You wrapped your tiny fingers around his pointer finger and sighed contently, the warmth of another thing touching you. He giggled.

"Awe, you're cute." He smiled.

His face changed. "What the hell left my mouth?!"

Your big (E/C) eyes opened, and he stared into them. He saw a tragic story -- one that he couldn't quite make out himself -- and his mind raced with thoughts. One echoed louder than the rest.

"Keep her." It begged. "Keep her until the end of time. Treat her as you would your own. She is your daughter now, Cardin."

He twitched. "Shaddup!"

Realizing he was arguing with his brain, he stayed silent as the thought begged again.

"She will be strong, like you! And she'll be happy and smart and not a loser like Jaune and Velvet!"

He sighed and looked at you again. The top of your blanket shifted around your face, and his heart dropped. Timidly, he pulled back the fabric. There, attatched to your head, was a set of bunny ears. Despite your (H/C) hair, the ears were silver. He pet them slowly and made a 'tch' sound, though he had a smirk on his face.

"Fauna, eh?" He whispered.

"It's okay. You're still my daughter."

He wrapped you up again and pressed you to his chestplate. His legs began magically working again, and he carried you to his dorm to bathe you from the dirt and ash on your body.

First words:

You sat in Russel's lap as he played with your hair. Cardin had introduced you as (Y/N) the day he found you to the whole school. People had been lining up at his door to hold you and play with you, but Cardin had always refused. Therefore, the blonde headed Russel was in charge of watching you while Cardin was out.

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