Marrow Amin

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Finds you:

Marrow walked the streets alone, watching kids run around and sing and dance. He sighed, man he missed being a kid. There was so much! Friends, and sleepovers, and wanting to be an adult! And now, with the world falling, he wished he could get it all back. Or at least make it better for someone else.

A soft whine was heard behind a building, and he slowly walked towards it. Yes, he wanted to make it better for someone else...anyone else. He acted big and strong, but he wanted to be loved deeply by someone. That’s what he was missing. He was a big softie, and he knew it

The whine came again. He just needed someone to look at him like a hero.

The whine kept roaring over his thoughts, and soon he reached the cardboard box that was turned upside down. He removed it gently. Soft (E/C) eyes locked with his, and Marrow’s tail began wagging. The baby girls hair was tangled and muddy, covered in leaves and dirt and she stunk horribly of urine. There was no telling how long she had been there.

He lifted her, allowing her to gently chew his finger. His tail wrapped around his leg as he felt how light she was. He could see her ribs through the very thin blanket. 

He wanted to make life better for someone...anyone.

He wanted to be a hero.

He wanted to be…

A father.

And as he held her, he realized that that was exactly what he was.

A hero. A father. A miracle to her, just like she was to him.

“Hey, (Y/N).” he hummed. The baby kept crying, looking at him through teary eyes. “I love you.”

High fives and kisses:

You sat with Harriet, watching as the others laughed and joked. It had been about 6 months since you’ve been with your new family, and you loved every bit of it. Harriet smirked at them, but kept her words to herself.

You looked at her, your gummy smile fading. Why was she so mean sometimes? What was her problem?

You mentally shrugged. Whatever her problem was, it wasn’t yours. Marrow gently lifted you, making sure to be really careful with you, since you were still light as can be. His tail wagged gently.

“Marrow.” Harriet pointed towards his tail. 

He snatched it aggressively, making you giggle. 

You leaned forward, your lips barely puckered, and gave him an airy kiss to the cheek. He grinned and allowed his tail to wag uncontrollably before kissing your cheek back.

First words:

You sighed gently as you looked at the morning light coming through the window. Mornings were always peaceful. Marrow walked in and lifted you, his wet chest sticking to your clothes. He must have just gotten out of the shower. His pants were clinging to his legs, you could tell by the way he walked. He sat you on the counter gently and reached over to make you a bottle.

Since you didn’t have a mother, it was up to Marrow to watch over you by himself. He didn’t mind. For the first time since you’ve met him, you saw his tail wag, and he didn’t stop it. It was obvious he liked mornings too. He passed you the bottle and nibbled on a cracker before handing you a new one.

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