Qrow high fives and kisses: 6 monthes

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Qrow held you protectivly from the suns harsh rats as he carried you through the Beacon courtyard. You snoozed lightly on his chest, and he felt as though he had been deemed special. You were still asleep by the time he reached Ozpin's office, luckily. The moment the doors opened, Glynda grabbed you. You woke up instantly to the sudden movement. Looking around, you realized you were in a familiar scene and yawned sleepily. Glynda continuously cooed at how adorable you were. She gave you a big kiss on the cheek, and you giggled. Qrow let out a very extra sigh.

"C'mere, babe. Glynda's gonna give you a disease or something." Qrow said, grabbing you and walking to Ozpin with you.

You let out a loud cry and made grabby hands to Glynda. She smiled at you. Qrow allowed a confused and genuinly hurt expression to sweep his face before handing you to Glynda. You kissed her on the cheek. Qrow gasped.

"Hey! Why'd ya give her a kiss before me?! I'm your dad, (Y/N)!" He yelled.

You giggled and Glynda cuddled You, all the while watching your now steaming father glare at her, anger in his eyes.

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