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Author's pov

"Mother, why did you harm her?" A little girl asked as she held her plushie close to her. Her eyes which are red as wine glanced at her mother who was tucking her daughter to sleep.

"My sweet little rose, forgive me as it was the only way to see you." The mother kissed her forehead but her eyes still wouldn't close. 

She was still bitter at her mother but yet love her at the same time for wanting to see her.

"I have something to show you my little rose..." She said as she pulled out a ring from her pocket before slipping the ring onto her daughter's tiny fingers.

"It's too big for me..." The daughter whined as she was about to take off the ring but was stopped when her mother places her palm over her small hands.

"This is not just a ring, Rose. It's our family ring and I'm giving one for you and Hangyeom." The little girl looked at her mother in confusion.

"Promise me, Rose. You'll keep this ring safe as it symbolizes that you're my precious daughter and the true heir of the Song family." The little girl looked at her mother's eyes with full excitement.

"Someday, you'll be able to wear this ring and you'll make our family proud, my dear Rose." 


"Mother... please let me out..." A little girl cried as she hugged her knees after being locked in her cold, and darkroom.

She didn't know why she was locked in her room but every time she was locked, she would cry for nearly hours.

She heard a knock on her door as the door was unlocked from the outside. 

A little boy slowly opened the door as he carefully walked towards his sister while carrying a small plate of leftover food for her.

They both heard a loud yelling downstairs which startled the two kids. 

"Shhh... stay put..." The little girl nodded as the boy tiptoed towards the door to close and lock it from the inside.

He walked back towards the girl and sat beside her on the ground.

"I... I brought you... some food... Eat up, sis."  The boy whispered as she took the plate from his hands and gobbled the food up.

The little boy watched as she finishes up her food. He gently patted his sister's head as she places the plate in front of him.

"I'm must be starving. I'll bring you more food later." He comforted but the girl just shook her head.

"Why does mother keep locking me in my room Hangyeomie..." She sobbed. It seems like no matter what move she made, she'll always end up locked in her room.

In worse cases, she would have been beaten up by her mother and starved till the next day.

Abuse, isolation

That's how her childhood feels like.

Her brother doesn't have the words towards her question. He's just a boy, what do you expect him to know?

"I-I'm here for you Kyung Mi... don't be sad..." The boy said as he hugs her. The girl can only cry in his arms.

When will her suffering end...

Kyung Mi's pov

I stared at the pendant on my hand whilst lying down on my bed. 

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