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Kyung Mi's pov
I don't remember how long I've slept once I've opened my eyes.

I'm in my room. My whole body aches as I try to sit up on my bed. Han Gyeom came in with a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup that he just whipped up in the kitchen.

"Kyung Mi, you shouldn't be getting up." Han Gyeom said as he places the soup on the table next to my bed before walking towards me.

"Han Gyeom... what happened? I feel so... weak and my body's aching..." I whined.

He didn't say anything as he caressed my head.

"What happened to me, Song Han Gyeom?!" I asked in a strict tone and grab his hand that was stroking my head to stop. I want answers from him.

He sighed.

"You... were involved in an accident Kyung Mi. You've suffered quite the impact from the hit that you were unconscious for a few days." Han Gyeom explained as he looks down on my bed.


I decided to play along.

"How long was I asleep..."

"About a week." I widened my eyes as I stare at him in disbelief.

"A week!! No, I can't miss my criminology test. I have to go and retake it!" I said as I tried to get out of the bed. Not caring about the pain my body was dealing with.

"Kyung Mi, Stop!! You're in no shape of going to school like that!" Han Gyeom said as he stopped me from entirely getting out of the bed.

"You don't understand Han Gyeom!! That test is important for me to graduate from college." I trashed under his grip.

"So you can be what? An investigator?! Kyung Mi we've been through this before..."

"Study for another 2 years for my masters? Han Gyeom, I'm sick of studying for god sake. It's been 4 years and I just want to go out there and work to get money for us. I can't let you be the only working for both of us. Besides, I can handle myself out there..."

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO!!" Han Gyeom yelled.

"Why?! Why are you so against me of becoming an investigator Han Gyeom?! Why won't you let me do something I love for once?" I protested. He's always against me from involving myself in the crime world.

Hey, it's not my fault that I'm interested in it.

Han Gyeom didn't have an answer. He doesn't have an answer since the day I've taken criminology.

"Can we just not talk about it again? You've been stressed out recently over some A- essay. Seriously sis?!" Han Gyeom barked as he changes the topic.

"Did you throw a tantrum towards your lecturer, Kyung? Tell me the truth." Han Gyeom asked and got closer to me to see my expressions.

I look down, avoiding his eyes. I don't even know what got me to become so rebellious. Never in my life had I imagined myself becoming someone like that.

He sighed before continuing.

"Look sis, I know how bad you want to help me earn money but you're my main concern here Kyung Mi. I only want what's best for you and that is for you to finish your criminology course."

"But do you honestly have any idea how long it'll take for me to finish until I get my Ph.D. degree?" I asked in hopes of reading his expressions.

"I have to begin somewhere to be an investigator besides my professors can get me an internship at someplace related. Maybe like the Seoul Intelligence Agency Department..."

"Enough Kyung Mi." He cut me off.

"My decision is already made and I'll not explain it over again. I've already been good to you by letting you pursue your career in criminology and all I asked for is you to complete your studies till the end." Han Gyeom snapped as he moves closer.

"Do I make myself clear Song Kyung Mi?" I hesitated but nod at his decision, earning a satisfied grin from him.

"Come on, I made your favorite chicken noodle soup. Eat it while it's still warm." He said and sets a mini foldable table on the bed before placing the soup on it.

I took a spoonful of soup and blow on it before sipping it down my throat. Han Gyeom watched as I eat, unable to hold back his usual brotherly smile.

"Get some rest alright? I'll inform your professors and notify them about your condition. If you're feeling better, I promise you can go back to college overmorrow." Han Gyeom stated as he patted my shoulder before leaving me in my room with the bowl of soup.

I sighed. How come I don't remember myself getting rammed by something. More like I feel all numb over my limbs.

I placed my palm over my forehead as I leaned back onto the bed. I grabbed the bottle of my medications from my drawer.

Yes. I've been taking medications behind Han Gyeom's back. A part of me just doesn't trust him in all sorts of ways. I've told my doctor that I am suffering from strange disturbing nightmares every night and he prescribed me with some medicines to lighten up my dreams.

I took the prescribed amount of the pills and shoved it down my mouth with a glass of water on the side table next to my bed.

I try to rest by closing my eyes.


I shook my head from the sudden scream in my head.

'You will serve me and only me. You will fight till death for your true leader and you will never hold back on your enemies.'

I covered my ears.

'You will obey my orders and carry out your crucial missions or else your fate will be worst than death itself.'

"Stoppp!!" I pleaded.

'That's what makes us an assassin. Cruel, vicious, no mercy, cold-blooded. You will give your entire life committing for this organization to make it a success and I, your leader will make sure of it.'

I screamed as I cried my heart out. My hands holding my head, trying to forget this nightmare.

"What are all these strange memories haunting me?"

It's painful enough for me to handle. Why do I have to suffer like this? I don't know who to trust anymore.

Who am I?

I heard her screams as I rushed towards her room.

Before I could manage to open her door fully, I saw her hugging her legs with her head hiding in between them.

She was crying.

"Who am I..." I heard her muttering to herself.

"Why is life haunting me..." She muttered again and I decided that it's best if I leave her some space.

I stand beside her door. My hands pinching the bridge of my nose as I sigh.

"Oh Kyung Mi..." I muttered

"There are just some things that you shouldn't know at all. Once you do, will you be able to face the consequences of it?"

|| My internet ain't working for the previous day oof so here's a late update. Enjoy and stay tuned||

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