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Kyung Mi's pov
"I'm telling you Kyung!! He's totally hot af and just my ideal type of guy urgh!!" Rae argued at the fact that she finally found 'the one' who was just a celebrity from some tv show after our law class.

"Look Rae, he's just a celebrity and I'm sure that there are more nice guys here in the school for you to date." I said and Young Rae just gives me the usual death glare.

"Listen Kyung Mi sweetie, the guys from our university are either dumb yet handsome, or it's just handsome yet dumb." Rae explained and patted my shoulder while I just chuckle.

"Well 'Mr. Perfect' ain't gonna show up that easily for you then if you have hopes that high." I said and she just frowned.

"Says the one who rejected the chocolates and flowers from the school's one and only heartthrob." Rae raised her eyebrows while I just roll my eyes.

"Please, I don't want to date someone that I'm not interested at all." I explained and she just gave me the 'yeah right' face.

"I would probably not say any-"

I stopped when my eyes wandered towards my brother, Han Gyeom who was waiting for me outside the school gates.

"I see your brother is already waiting for ya Kyung~~" Rae said in a teasing tone and I just hit her arm playfully. She always thinks that Han Gyeom has some sort of sister complex towards me just because we're always close to each other.

"Shut up Rae, just go back and read those cliche mangas of yours. I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved goodbye at Rae and rushed towards Han Gyeom.

He looked up and smiled at the sight of me.

"Done with your class already? Come on I'll give you a ride home." Han Gyeom said but I just widened my eyes.

"I'm not riding your bike Song Han Gyeom!" I protested while crossing my hands across my chest. He just silently laugh at my reaction.

"Alright, how about we just go grab a drink?" He asked and I nodded in response.

We both walked out of the school compounds and headed towards the cafe where we usually go after school.

The coffee aroma engulfs my senses once we arrive at the cafe. This cafe is one of my favorites and sometimes I come often to relax.

"I'll go order our drinks. You'll be fine here right?" Han Gyeom asks in concerned and I just nodded.

"Ya ya, I'll be fine here. Just go and get my iced americano. I'm thirsty for it!!" I whined and he just nodded and head towards the counter.

"Hey, did you heard there were another assassination and the bombing case in Gangnam district?" Some people were talking at the table beside me but I choose to ignore it at first.

"Ya I heard that it was the CEO of some company that was assassinated and the assassin even blow up the whole company just to hide any evidence from the cops." They continued but I was getting more and more uncomfortable just the thought of the same cases that was happening recently. I don't know why but it always sent chills down my spine.

"I wonder whether the Seoul Intelligence Agency will get to the bottom of-"

"I'm sorry but gossiping about the S.I.A department is a topic that should not be mentioned at public randomly. If you don't cut the crap I'll ask the staff to kick you out from the cafe immediately." Someone suddenly interrupted them from continuing their conversation and the girls apologized and went out of the cafe with their unfinished drinks in their hands.

"I wasn't expecting you here Kyung Mi." I heard a familiar voice said and I turned around to see who the owner of the voice was.

"Oh Jimin! What a coincidence you're here!" I said. He smiled and took the seat next to me.

"Well I was just around and decided to get a drink plus I heard this place sells the best coffee around so I thought I'd come here to try. Didn't think you would be here too." Jimin explained and I just nodded.

"I usually come here after my last class in school to get a drink with my brother." I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"You..have a brother?" He questioned.

"And that would be me." Han Gyeom suddenly cut us while returning with our drinks in his hands.

"Oh Han Gyeom thanks for my americano!" I snatched my drink from his hands and he just took the opposite seat from me while glaring at the unknown man sitting next to me.

"Han Gyeom, this is Jimin. He's from my criminology class and a transfer student from the USA." I break the ice by introducing Jimin to Han Gyeom who was still glaring at him.

"Jimin, this brother, Song Han Gyeom. He majors in dance and-"

"It's getting late Kyung Mi. We need to leave." Han Gyeom cut me from speaking any further. I just looked at him with my eyes wide.

"W-what?! But we just got-" He grabs my arm in a harsh motion and drag me out of the cafe without me saying goodbye to Jimin.

Jimin's pov
"Hey, I got our coffee." Taera said but my eyes were still fixed at the entrance of the cafe where Kyung Mi and her 'brother' went out just now.

"Yah!! What are you looking at Agent Park?" She snapped and I finally come back to my senses when I see Taera's mad face mode on.

"Nothing.. just run into a friend from school.." I said while looking down at my coffee stirring it with the spoon.

"Really? Well, this cafe is well known around here so I'm pretty sure that some university students nearby would come here after their classes." Taera said and sip on her coffee while my head was still in thoughts.

How come I have a strange feeling about that Han Gyeom guy...

"What are you doing Han Gyeom?! Let go of me!!" Kyung Mi whined in pain as his grip tightens around her wrist.

He finally let go of her as he drags her from the cafe to the car park where his bike was still parked there. He didn't care about Kyung Mi and just put on his helmet before handling another one for her.

"Get on.." He mumbled, barely visible for anyone to hear.

"Why are you acting like this Han Gyeom?!! You're being too rough!!" Kyung Mi questioned. Her tears dying to fall out from her hazel eyes but she has to be strong so she won't...

"I SAID GET ON!!!!" Han Gyeom yelled this time and Kyung Mi was taken aback. He never yelled at Kyung Mi before and now he was furious over a small thing.

Which happens to trigger a switch which he shouldn't have...

"Kyung Mi..I..." Han Gyeom tried to reason with her but Kyung Mi was already on the ground with her hands covered her ears.

She was in pain again and it was at this moment, that Han Gyeom knew.

He f*ck up

Big this time

"Kyung Mi..I-I'm sorry..I-I didn't mean to-" Before he manages to complete his sentence, he was pulled towards the ground by a strong force. His back hitting the rock hard ground hard.

Han Gyeom was horrified at the other side of Kyung Mi in front of her. Her red crimson eyes were able to send chills down his spine.

"You.... made a big mistake.... by making the other me sad......." The other dominant Kyung Mi said in a devilish tone while choking Han Gyeom but enough for him to still breathe.

This was the other side of Kyung Mi and only Han Gyeom can withstand this side of hers.

Let's just say this other side is the real Ms. Assassin Death Rose.
|| Ok so here's a triple update as an apology for not updating for a month :v. Hope ya enjoy||

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