Prologue (Kyung Mi)

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'A banquet will be held in the HR Company tonight at 8 pm. You will have to kill the CEO of the HR company, Mr Han before the banquet even starts. I'll leave the ending and fun for you to decide. After your mission, head back to the base immediately before anyone notices your presents..'

And that was another mission I'd receive from my mother.. the queen of the assassin organization...

Gangnam City
HR Enterprise Company

"Good evening Miss." the receptionist greeted and I just smile.

"Good evening, could I perhaps visit Mr Han for a change at this busy hour?" I asked.


"It'll just be a quick second. I really need to hand him some things and it's really necessary for me to personally see him." I cut the receptionist and she look hesitant.

"Al-alright miss. I'll show you the way to Mr Han's room." She said and press the up button on the elevator.

The two of us get on the elevator and the receptionist push on the button which is the highest floor just below the roof top.

I peeked at my hand which was grabbing a pocket knife.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you' Aday, my so called partner and my brother reported through the ear piece I had on my ear.

'Remember our main target is Mr Han, try not to go too far and kill anyone in the way.' Aday continued and I just sigh and put away the pocket knife.

"This way miss." The receptionist said and lead us out the elevator once we reached the floor.

The interior design was very interesting and modern. There's even a fountain in the middle of the hall.

"Mr Han!" The receptionist knocked on the door before opening it. There sit Mr Han in his comfortable chair in the end of the room.

"I'm sorry for interrupting sir but there's someone who wants to see you." The receptionist continued and Mr Han look up at me from his hectic work papers.

"Alright get back to work." The receptionist dismissed herself and close the door behind.

Guess it's just me and Mr Han alone then. Perfect.

'Careful Rose, this guy is always full of surprises on his own. He could have predicted the assassination too' Aday warned.

Mr Han stood up but I just stay still at the same spot. Trying my best not to look suspicious.

"So... what brings such a pretty lady like you up my office." He spoke and I look up to meet his eyes which were full with evil thoughts.

"Oh I just thought I would come by and pass you a message from someone important." I said and he looked confused.

"Message?" He questioned but it was too late.

Aday had already disabled the building's power switch, causing a whole blackout throughout the building.

'You have 10 minutes from now Death Rose!'

"What is this!? SECURIT-" Before he shouted, I pulled out my gun and shot right at his left leg.

He winced in pain while grabbing onto his wounded leg. Gun shots and his grunts were heard in the dark room, guess he too was holding a gun.

"An assassination!? Come out here you assassin!" He yelled but not loud enough for anyone to hear outside the room.

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