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||When I say I don't like writing action scenes, I mean it||

Third person's pov

"Urgh..." Inspector Choi groans as Death Whisperer straddles her from behind. Her whole unit has been taken down single-handedly by Death Whisperer and only the inspector left standing. "Your ignorance will be the death of you." 

Inspector Choi headbutts Death Whisperer and with swift moves, she manages to flip the tables around as she strangles her on the ground. "You...will pay for killing my family." She mutters but Death Whisperer hits her sides causing her to back up and hissed from the sudden impact. They both got up on their feet, remaining in their fighting stance while panting.

"Your family? Oh...that puny married couple who give birth in Eunmun? How unfortunate...." Inspector Choi is livid red and pounces at Death Whisperer. After a few punches and kicks here, she grabs a gun lying on the ground but Death Whisperer was much quicker. She kicks the inspector's hand, sending the gun flying off her grip, and spun her around, aiming the gun at her temple.

"I do have to say... I enjoyed tormenting their daughter." Inspector Choi knew who she's referring to, her sister. "Why her?" Inspector Choi said but Death Whisperer only smirked. 

Before Death Whisperer could reply to her, Agent Jung came with the remaining reinforcements from Agent Jin and Agent Suga's side. "DON'T MOVE!" Agent Jung yelled, pointing his gun at Death Whisperer and so as the rest of the backup squad.

"Guess my playtime is over..." She strongly pushes Inspector Choi towards the agents and Agent Jung caught her. Death Whisperer then held up a small canister of what seems like a bomb.

"Tell my son... his mother is back." 

And with that, she tosses the bomb towards the agents. The bomb released a thick smoke blurring the agents' vision. "DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!!" 

But when the smoke subsided, Death Whisperer had already disappeared into thin air, leaving her injured minions unattended.

The rest of the squad hurriedly checks on the enemies' pulse and arrests them one by one. 'Son? What is she referring to this time?' Inspector Choi thoughts to herself. She heard a grunt beside her and notice Agent Jung helping Taera up. "It's okay Taera..." 

But Inspector Choi points her gun at Taera who holds her wound with one hand, and that sends confusion to Agent Jung as he questions the inspector. "Arrest her. She's been an accomplice with the assassins this whole time." Inspector Choi said and two soldiers immediately follow her orders. 

"You won't win either way... Killer Rouge won't be so lenient with ya'll."

Taera smirked before getting dragged by the soldiers. Of course, Agent Jung and the others were left stun as they couldn't believe that Taera was working for their enemy. Furthermore, Agent Taera was always the reliable one in the agency. But they rather save all the questions for later during her interrogation. "Killer... Rouge?"

"Mr. Bang, are you alright?" Agent Suga and Agent Jin rushed to check on him and he simply brushes it off saying he was alright. "We'll search the areas for Death Whisperer. She couldn't have gone far." Inspector Choi nods as the soldiers sprint out from the basement on the hunt for Death Whisperer.

"Inspector Choi." Mr. Bang called and the inspector was startled before turning around to face him with seriousness. 

"Were you the one who called for the national military for help?" Inspector Choi lowers her head and nods. She heard a sigh from Mr. Bang before she glances up at him. "We'll talk about it later. Right now, we need to make sure everyone's alright." 

✔My Boyfriend Is My Enemy ▪PJM▪ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu