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Kyung Mi's pov

"Hey sis, how was-" I ignored Hangyeom's greetings and stormed towards my room, shutting the door and plopped on my bed while throwing my bag at the corner of the room. My face is flushed red and hot that I slap my cheeks with my palms, my heart feels giddy and I can sense butterflies in my stomach. So in instinct, I punch it but the feeling is still there. 

I know I should probably shower first but after what just happened, I can't help but replay the scene again in my head.


"Thanks for the ride Jimin. But I can walk to my house from here now." Jimin smiled and ruffled my hair. "Good work as always Kyung Mi." Jimin praised and leaned forward to kissed my forehead. It's now like a usual routine for Jimin and I every day, he would send me home from work at the bus stop near my house since I don't want Hangyeom to catch me hanging close with Jimin. He will be agitated that his anger will reach devastating levels that I can't comprehend.

But it is not every day for Jimin to give a kiss on my forehead.

"Why are you so clingy today Park?" I giggled and he pulled me out from his embrace. Jimin looked at me in the eye as we made eye contact before he sighed. "To be honest with you, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for quite some time now but... the accident." He mumbled on that last sentence and I looked at him with soft gazes.

"It's all in the past Jimin. You don't have to keep dwelling on the incident." Jimin grabbed both of my palms. I can felt his hands trembling as he gripped mines but not due to the cold but more like fear.

"I'm scarred Kyung Mi. I'm worried if I say this, everything I love will be at stake." He confessed and I tilted his head to look in my direction. "Whatever it is, we can and will overcome it together. I am not going to leave you to defend yourself, I'll be by your side throughout the way. So don-"

"I love you Kyung Mi."

My eyes widened at his sudden confession that I can't even utter a word. But Jimin proceeded.

"I love you a lot Kyung Mi. On the day of the accident, I've never felt so worried before knowing your life was on the line and I was the one to blame, for not being careful on the road. It scared me to death that I don't know how to act when you are now a part of my life and the fact that there are thousands of people on my tail that you are now a potential risk for my-" I shushed Jimin by throwing myself into his embrace, hugging him. "Just shut up for two seconds please."

His gaze softened from all the anxiety and fear he felt a while ago and returned the hug. "I don't care what crazy shit you have got yourself into but one thing for sure is that you and I are in this together. I won't die easily on you Park." He smiled and pulled away from the hug. 

"That really makes me feel at ease indeed Kyung." I laughed but Jimin's reaction then turned into a frown. "You probably don't know what I do for a living in the Seoul Intelligence. It's because I'm afraid of putting you in potential danger from my enemies. But you have no idea how much I want to tell you the truth so that I don't have to keep lying to you every time."

"But don't you work as a-"

"I'm a secret agent in the elite team BTS." 

I don't know how much more information I can take in one night. First a confession and now a secret job. 

What's next? I have magic or something?

Jimin looked at me meticulously, studying my expressions and carefully anticipating my next words but I don't know what to say anymore. It was just too much to take in that my brain refused to process. "Kyung, please say something..." Jimin asked but my lips were still sealed. 

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