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"Oh, Inspector Choi. You are back."

Inspector Choi nodded before closing the front door. Lunch break was over so she headed back to her office where Agent Taera was waiting for her with some confidential document files in her hands. 

"Are the autopsy results in, Agent Taera?" Agent Taera nodded.

"And I also have the evidence and security footage analysis from the crime scene. Everything just as you had requested, including the DNA blood traces results." Agent Taera added and hands over the files for Inspector Choi. She flips through the files and goes through the deceased terrorists' profiles. 

"A terrorist organization..." Inspector Choi mumbled while biting her lower lip. She then selects another file which was the DNA results. 

"Did you manage to get Death Rose's blood sample?" Inspector Choi asked.

"The forensic scientists are still analyzing her DNA. It could take longer since we barely managed to gather any of her potential evidence from the scene." Inspector Choi sighed but suddenly had a light bulb moment.

"Didn't Agent JK said he shot her yet she saved him from a sniper?" Agent Taera nodded. 

"Get Agent JK to the crime scene and have him explained the whole situation he encountered." Inspector Choi demanded and Agent Taera immediately left her office to pass on the message. 

Inspector Choi remained in her office alone and stood up, moving towards her shelf filled with documents. She slides a file from the shelf and caressed the front page with the case titled hospital bombing, which was considered a close case years ago. 

Inspector Choi always had her suspicions about the bombing crimes followed by assassinations, that every scene was planned by the same person who is the real culprit hiding behind her or his assassins that aids her by carrying out the missions. Everyone was so blinded and focused only on the infamous assassin Death Rose, that they did not think twice to point fingers at her whenever there was destruction. 

Yet most of the places where they carry out the same deed make no sense or contained any patterns for their attack. It's just all random and at any time. Only by confronting the true culprit, will they succeed in knowing her intentions.


Choi Sang Mi's pov

"I'm home!"  Choi Sang Mi, 6 years old, I yelled when I got home from my first day in a new school, kicking off my shoes in the entry but only silence greeted me back. In instinct, I went to the dining room and noticed a post note pinned on the refrigerator.

'Off to the hospital. Will be back tonight. Can't wait for you to meet your little sister soon <3'
It wrote and I could not suppressed the tears of joy from streaming down my face. My lips soon curved into a huge smile as I jumped in excitement. I can't believe it at the time, I was finally getting a new sibling.

My family had moved several times in the past ever since I was very young due to my father's job which required us to keep moving. But in the end, we've finally decided to settle down at a cozy home located in Busan.  

Growing up, I was raised and considered to be an independent kid for such an age as I would often help out with the chores and make simple food for the family. That is probably why my parents aren't afraid to leave me at home alone. And today, my family was expecting a younger sister.

After reading the note, I hurriedly got freshen up and changed into some comfortable clothes. Heating the lunch left by my mother before doing the chores for the rest of the day.

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