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Third person's pov
The security troops manage to arrive down at the lobby with their guns in their hands respectively, taking full precaution of the current situation. The clouds of smoke in the room was blocking their way but it soon cleared and now they can see clearly in the room.

The room was engulfed by the groans and hissing sound in pain of the guards who were on duty on the lobby. The security troops quickly divided themselves to go help their men and some patrolled the place for the cause.

"Hey! Pull yourselves together men!!" The head troop yelled trying to regain their consciousness but they were nowhere getting any luck.

"S-sir...." One of the guards manage to slip out from his mouth, grabbing the attention from the head just like he wanted. "Sh....she was too... fast.. s-sir....w-we can't..."

The guard manage to said a few words before falling unconscious. "Sir!!" One of the security troops who was patrolling the area called while running towards him.

"Someone seems to break in and released a gas bomb which the gases contains toxic chemicals which is poisonous to humans. We have to send these guards to the medical department asap or else something bad will happen to them." The guy warned, earning a nod from the head and immediately went to get help from the medical team.

Meanwhile, the sound of a gunfire shot was heard on the second floor.

"This is as far as you'll go!!" Agent Taehyung warned as he just pulled the trigger of his gun and a bullet hole appearing on the wall in front of the intruder.

The mysterious masked intruder or better known as the assassin Death Rose, turned towards him casually. Not even caring what would actually happen next to her.

"I figured there wouldn't be anyone smart enough to caught up on me." She smirked evilly under her well hidden mask. Taehyung grip onto his gun tighter, not turning the gun away from her any time now.

"You're smart to actually create a diversion to get everyone's attention away so you can get what you came here for."

"Too bad it won't work for me."

She laughed. "I I guess I'll just go with phase two then" She said before lifting a gun up towards Taehyung taking him by surprise at the sound of the gun clicking.

Taehyung snapped at her evil remark. Thinking all the possible evil ways she would do to end the agency along with the people in it.

At the same time, Agent Jin was silently observing the whole scene as planned. By letting the younger one do all the action, while he trys to get reinforcements. He just couldn't identify the assassin as her face was covered with the mask like those from the horror movies. All he could see was her scarlet red eyes that could pierce into your soul any time once you encounter her.

"What do you want from us?! You got guts to even show up alone without having backup!" Taehyung said but only to hear the answer he doesn't like.

"Why should I even tell someone like you useless crap about my plans....soon this agency will be nothing but fill with the sounds of your pathetic agents dying in agony. "

Taehyung clenched his fist in anger and charge towards her. She managed to dodge his attacks and swiftly kick Taehyung in the stomach, earning an 'oof' from him as he tries to stand but failed as she kick him from the back of his legs.

This was all going according to her plan.

Taehyung tried to get back up again but his hands were yanked backwards by her strong grip on his wrist, making him dropped down and his gun onto the ground. Not to mention yelling in pain as well.

Her grip was unbelievably strong for a woman. It's as if she can wrestle a whole bear in the woods. Taehyung can almost hear the insides of his muscle joints tearing into pieces as she doesn't seem to loosen her grip on him but getting tighter.

"Pbft, you're no fun at all..." she whispered in Taehyung's ear before letting him go, making Taehyung stumble onto the ground.

She ignored the wails of the agent in front of him as she walks closer and press her foot on his stomach hard, giving more pain to him.

"I was expecting more from an elite agent of the Seoul Intelligence.." She says as she leans close to him.

"What a disappointment..." she lifted her foot up but only to plunge it back down onto Taehyung's stomach harder then before, earning another shout from him.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!" Agent Jin shouted with a gun pointed towards her. The reinforcements had arrived to the scene.

She looked up for a second but only snorted as she ignores Jin and leaned towards Taehyung's ear.

"I'm looking forward for that new elite rookie agent of yours..." She whispered and Taehyung manage to squeeze his eyes open in fear.

"I hope he'll be more entertaining by the time I come back to kill him..." she said and grabbed the gun from the ground and fire a few shots towards Jin, clearly missing him as the bullet hit the walls near him just like Taehyung did to her a few minutes ago before making her escape down the window.

Agent Jin was stunned at her fast movements but he quickly got back into reality to hear the groans from Agent Kim Taehyung on the ground trying to get up but failed.

"Tae!! Are you alright?!!" Jin said in a worried tone as he scoot over the him helping to get up.

"Ahhh hyung!! My...arm hurts..." Taehyung manage to slip out those words from his mouth.

"Gwenchanna!?!" Jin touched his arms but it's only causing more pain to Taehyung as he shouted like he was at the brink of death. Jin tried to stay calm and requested one of the soldiers to called the medical team up here asap before turning back to Taehyung.

"Just hang in there Tae and try not to move a muscle!! Help is on the way." Jin tried to comfort Taehyung as he leans onto the wall.

His eyelids were slowly getting heavier and soon he just collapsed, letting sleep take over him.

Assassin Death Rose looked back and forth around her surroundings, making sure that no one followed her but sadly...

Han Gyeom managed to knock her out and caught her just in time before she fainted.

He stared at her sleeping figure before letting out a sigh in relief.

"Kyung Mi am I suppose to protect you when you're always rebelling me..."

||ok so here's a double update and I'm sorry due to my irregular updates but I promise if I didn't update for too long I'll just feed ya with more then one updates😂😂 depending on my schedule tat is *coughs intensify*||

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