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Kyung Mi's pov
A gunshot was heard from across the room.

'Check this out, guys. It's a newborn baby'

'You dummy we should kill it! There's no time to admire that little thing!!'

'But it's so cute...'

'Jackson! what do you have there?'

'Ma'am I found a newborn baby!!'

'Ma'am I've told him to kill that little brat but Jackson won't listen to m-'

'But ma'am I don't think we should kill this baby...'

Both of them were arguing over killing that innocent baby until the lady speaks up.

'I like the baby...'

Both of them look at her dumbfounded. She walked towards the baby to see her sound asleep.

'Jackson, take her to the car.'

'But ma'am...'

'That's an order.'

'Yes, ma'am...'


"AHHHHHHHHH" I yelled as I sat up from the bed, awoken by the usual nightmares I have every night.

"KYUNG MIII!! AWRE YOU ARIGHT?!!!" Han Gyeom shouted as he barged in my room with his messy bed hair and his toothbrush in his hands. Was he brushing his teeth?


I place my hands on my forehead, resting my temples. My breathing rate was fast as I try to calm myself down.

Han Gyeom went inside my bathroom to clean himself. Once he was done, he sprinted out of the bathroom towards my bed where I'm still trying to calm myself.

"Are you ok Kyung?" He asked as he put his hand on my back. He looks at my reaction closely as if he knows what goes in my head.

"Another dream again?" He questioned but I just sigh.

"Nightmares..." I replied as I pouted at him. My nightmares had been getting the best of me to the point that I don't even know how to sleep peacefully anymore.

Han Gyeom patted my head, trying to soothe it from the constant nightmares. It's not the first time he has to deal with me and my nightmares. He has always been there for me when it comes to my problems. Just because of that, he developed into an overly protected brother of mine.

Not that I'm complaining or anything

"It's okay Kyung Mi. Everything's fine, I'm here." Han Gyeom mumbled and I snuggled more into him.

"Is it about Uncle Jackson again?" He asked and I just nodded.

"What's up with you and uncle Jackson huh Kyung?" He laughed and pulled away from the hug.

"Just... the usual... he picked up a random baby during his mission and left..." I explained and Han Gyeom just listened attentively.

"Come on don't worry about it now. Freshen up and get ready for school. I'll go prepare your favorite breakfast kay?" He suggested and I nod in agreement. He smiled and kissed my forehead as usual and left my room.

"Oh ya!" He suddenly said as he turned his head towards me.

"Happy birthday Kyung!" He wished and I just smiled at him.



"Ok, class is dismissed for today. Please make sure to complete your homework before coming to class the next day." My homeroom teacher said as the students went out of the class, bidding the teacher goodbye.

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