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Kyung Mi's pov

"And so I tell him..." I couldn't pay attention to what Yong Rae was saying. My head is still occupied with last night's events that I don't even realize when Young Rae stops midway.

"Urm Hello? Earth to Song Kyung Mi?!!" I stop my tracks and look beside me to see Young Rae behind me. Was it too obvious that I wasn't listening to her? "What's gotten into you Kyung? It's your idea to go shopping with me yet it feels like I'm forcing you to tag along with me." Young Rae rambles as she crosses her hands while pouting.

"S-sorry Young Rae. I'm just feeling a little... odd. That's all." Young Rae raises her eyebrows in confusion but decides to let it slide since there's no point trying to get answers from me. "So tell me again why did you want me to help you choose a dress for... what occasion again?"

"It's a charity gala night that the Seoul Intelligence Agency is planning next week. You know, the office I work for." I sighed. I dragged her all the way to this shopping complex with an excuse that Young Rae wants to find an outfit for her date just so Hangyeom wouldn't suspect me doing anything that he is against.

It's not like I'm doing drugs that is for sure.

Young Rae looks at me in shock. "And you told your brother that it is my fault that I don't have anything nice to wear for a date. Obviously, I'm a so-called expert in this fashion department." I rolled my eyes playfully after listening to her bragging. "Lucky for you, I'll let that excuse slide but I need full details of the gala-night. I'll make sure you'll wear the most extravagant dress in the whole venue!"

"Ehh... maybe something simple Rae. I don't want to attract too much attention at the venue. Besides, I am only just an intern." I explained but Young Rae tackles me playfully.

"Nonsense, Kyung! A fashionista such as yours truly will never let her best friend dress plainly for such an important event. Oh, look! Let's check that store out!" She drags me into a shop while I mentally facepalmed myself. Once Young Rae gets excited, there is no stopping her from going overboard.

Maybe I should have scratched out the gala night part.

"Rae, are you sure this isn't enough?" I questioned while struggling to carry the heavy shopping bags

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"Rae, are you sure this isn't enough?" I questioned while struggling to carry the heavy shopping bags. Young Rae doesn't seem to know when to stop when it comes to shopping. "Nonsense this is still nothing. We still need to buy some makeup products."

I groaned in frustration. "Then, at least carry some of these bags." She momentarily realizes and snatches a few bags from my hands before strutting towards another shop. 

Suddenly, gunshots can be heard from the lower grounds, followed by the shrieking screams of civilians who are panicking for their life while running helter-skelter. 

"Nobody move! Get down and hands behind your back!!" A guy armed with an AR-15 style rifle, wearing all back with a mask that can barely glimpse at his identity shouted while several men from behind him started marching in with guns in their hands. 

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