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Third Person's pov

"So... how's work holding up for you?" Hangyeom asked through the phone. His gaze never leaving the glass window that is separating him and his lover.

"I should be the one worrying over you. My work is just the usual hectic after transferring to another hospital. What about you? Have you eaten?"  

Hangyeom lets out a slight chuckle seeing Chae Seon getting all worried. It makes him all giddy and his heart fluttering just like the day they both first met. 

And he likes how Chae Seon manages to find time to visit him at the prison as much as she can despite her unfixed work shifts.

"I'm fine, Chae. After all, I deserved this in the end. Being lock up here in prison..." 

"Please don't say that. You were just following your mother's footsteps, you had no choice." Chae Seon tried to reason with Hangyeom and place her palms on the glass window.

"My mother... she's dead, isn't she?" Chae Seon nodded sadly.

"And Death Ro- no, Killer Rouge, is on the loose again?" She nods again.

"Everything's over, Hangyeom. You're free to be who you want." 

"Yeah, I don't think I'm free yet until my sentence's over." Hangyeom joked and he raises his palm on the glass. If it weren't for the glass between them, he wouldn't resist holding Chae Seon's hand in his. "The inspector said I can reduce my sentences if I cooperate around here. And when I get out, the first thing I'll do is marry you, Chae." 

Chae Seon's face is now flushed but she hides it by laughing at Hangyeom's plan. "You haven't even properly courted me yet, you dummy." 

"But I can wait till that happens then, Hangyeommie. Besides, I have my workload to keep me busy while you're being a good boy here." She teased.

They still have a few more minutes left before Hangyeom has to go back to his prison cell so no words exchange but stare at each other admiring one another as long as they can. 

 "You know... I met your sister a few days ago after her escape." Chae Seon murmurs and his eyes go wide. She then scurries through her purse to bring out a letter to which Hangyeom assumes that it was written by Killer Rouge.

"Dear Hangyeom..."  Chae Seon starts to recite from the letter

"I don't even know why I'm writing this letter to you in the first place but knowing you must be lock up in prison, like the rest of your comrades. I had no choice but to ask Ms. Lee to pass this message."

My dear brother, though we were never related from the very beginning, I'd still like to express my gratitude for having you as my older brother and taking care of me. I apologize for what you went through all those years being mother's slave, to keep my disorder at bay, assisting Death Rose throughout her deadly missions. You never once complained despite getting your ass reprimanded by us or the fact, that you had to sacrifice your love life to make mother happy. 

Fret not, I've gotten mother out of the picture. You don't have to fear the repercussions after your release from prison and you can finally live the life you always dream of with Ms. Lee Chae Seon. Your days of being the assassin Aday, the heir to the assassin organizations have come to an end and you're free from the underworld. You no longer need to run or hide from your past and you can finally let go of worries.

However, unlike me, I will never be free from the crimes that I've committed. I know deep down, you are probably wondering about my whereabouts or even worrying about my safety or my sickness out there. But please, you need to stop worrying about things that you can't control and instead, worry about others around you. I can take care of myself and I'm not the poor defenseless child anymore. I'm just doing you a favor here by cutting off your status so you can be free and there's no going back for us, even if it costs the downfall of our relationship.

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