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3 weeks later.

*Mia's point of view*

As I gained consciousness, I felt myself levitating. My body did not seem to carry any weight as I felt the air passing underneath me. My lungs compressed and expanded slowly, making my chest feel naked to every breath. Every joint in my body felt fragile enough to snap in one go. I tried to open my eyes to the bright light that cut through so deep, forcing me to close them again. "Ah!" I moaned while covering my face with my arm and trying to open them again but only being blinded by the whiteness.

I heard faint voices but could not fathom the situation. No matter how many times I tried opening my eyes, they'd close instantly and the pain travelled all the way to my brain. I could feel the water from my eyes escaping down my cheeks. A soft hand wrapped around my palm and I placed my weak fingers slowly and painfully on top of it. The comfort reminded me of Jimin which suddenly brought back all the memories and the last thing I remembered was being held hostage in a dark place. It all slowly came back to me but my heart hurt at the thought of how things were left between me and Jimin. I gulped the lump in my throat and tried speaking but being lost for words.

"Can you breath? Are you feeling any pain?" An unrecognisable voice asked. "I can't see." I squinted my eyes to endure the pain. A hard hand tried to force open my eyes which only made them hurt more. "Ouch!" I shoved the hand away weakly. "The light is hurting my eyes." I cried. The soft hand let go of mine suddenly and after, from what I heard, closing the blinds, the softest voice spoke to me. "Open your eyes now." My heart felt heavy as I slowly opened my eyes to darkness. There was a little light that shone over one side of Jimin's face, illuminating it enough for me to see. "Jimin?" "Mia!" We exchanged glances.

*Jimin's point of view*

I was talking to Hoseok on the phone when Mia finally woke up. I held her delicate hand which she managed to hold with her weak fingers. She tried opening her eyes a few times but couldn't. When she told that the light hurt her, I shut the blinds and she finally opened her beautiful eyes. She stared at me sadly, probably not believing that I was there. I stayed by her side all these days.

The doctor finally figured that since she had been in the dark for so long, her eyes were used to darkness and would find it difficult to adjust to light again. It teared me up because I didn't want to see her in so much pain. I scooted next to her in the bed and she hugged me from the side. Her arm felt so light over my body. "Jimin, you're here." She buried her head in my neck, breathing into it slowly. "You'll be fine, babe." I kissed her hair which had a faint earthy smell. "I'm sorry I made you go through so much. How did you find me?" She spoke softly. "I... I'm glad I did find you. I'm glad you're still alive." My voice was hoarse and I stopped myself from crying.

"I want to use the washroom." Mia sat up very slowly with the help of her hands. I was scared to let her move because she felt so weak and fragile. I helped her to get on her feet. She took three small steps and fell in my arms. She tried to walk again but her legs were too weak so I picked her up and took her into the washroom. In that moment I realised how she was always the stronger person in our relationship.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now