For You

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*Yoongi's point of view*

My deep sleep was interrupted by everyone talking in the lounge. I got out of bed annoyedly and went to the breakfast table. Everyone was talking seriously.

"I'm leaving as soon as I'm done eating." I heard Jimin say not knowing what he was talking about.

"Where are you going?" I asked, watching him stuffing his jam sandwich.

"My grandpa is sick, I'm going home for a week or so." I understood the seriousness.

"Have you told Mia you're leaving?" I asked out of nowhere, making everyone give me certain looks.

"Yes she knows. She was with me when my mom called last night." Jimin replied. Upon hearing that, my heart sunk remembering the way Mia left my room last night.

I sat in silence and finished my breakfast.


It had been six days since Jimin left and I had a sudden urge to see Mia. Ever since the last time with her, she had been avoiding me. I wanted to be close to her, to talk to her, but she stayed away from me. I got dressed to go to Mia's house when Hoseok told me that he was going out with her for lunch.

Hoseok and Mia had a closeness I did not seem to understand. Sometimes he was like an elder brother to her and sometimes he seemed like he was her boyfriend. She let him touch her, hug her or even kiss her on the cheek. Jimin didn't even have an issue with that. If Mia wasn't with Jimin, she was always with Hoseok. She used to hang around the apartment playing video games with him but since she shifted, she stopped doing that.

"Are you her second boyfriend or something?" I asked out of annoyance.

"The fuck?" Hoseok laughed it off. "What's up with you lately? You've been acting weird!" He added seriously.

"I'm acting weird? Mia and Jimin are the ones who do crazy shit. You are always too chummy with her, and I'm the weird one here? Right!" I laughed sarcastically.

"Whatever man! I'm going to spend the rest of the day with her, so see you later." It ticked me off to hear that but I swallowed my anger and replied.


I spent the rest of the day trying to distract myself. I played Need For Speed but I kept losing so I threw the controller on the table and laid back on the sofa. My mind kept creeping back to the night when I was at Mia's house and when she was in my room.

I smoked an entire packet of cigarettes just to forget that thought but it kept coming back. Eventually I started wondering what Hoseok would be doing with Mia at the moment. Maybe they're at her apartment. I thought. My mind painted a picture of the two of them sitting in her lounge, cuddled into each other, watching tv. The thought lingered further into imagining Hoseok kissing her cheek. I immediately shook my head to let go of the thought. I threw the last cigarette and went back inside.

I was walking around the apartment when I stroked my hair and suddenly remembered Mia's words, "Isn't this where that arrogant guy lives? The one with mint coloured hair?" She had described me with these words when she first met Jimin and Hoseok.

Her words kept repeating in my head, arrogant guy with mint coloured hair. I suddenly realised that I needed to change my attitude. I should have been nicer to her since she moved in next to us. I remembered I had snapped at her about something which made her think of me like that.

Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now