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*Jimin's point of view*

On my way to her house, I bought a bouquet of roses and chocolates. I hadn't seen her since three weeks as I was gone to meet my parents.

As soon as I got back, I took a taxi from the airport and headed straight to her place. I decided to surprise her with flowers and a box of her favourite chocolates. It was almost midnight and I knew she would be awake and working.

The ride from the airport took an hour. Excitedly, I stood in front of the door with the bouquet and chocolates in my hands. I rang the bell once but she did not open the door immediately.

I couldn't stop smiling and my heart was super jumpy. I rang the bell a couple of times again. She must have earphones on. I thought.

A few minutes later, my arms began to sweat. I gulped and stroked my hair with my fingers. Maybe she's taking a shower? I questioned confusedly.

I looked at my watch realising that I'd been standing there for twenty minutes now. Is she asleep? I thought again. I placed the chocolates and the flowers on the floor and dialled her number. The call went to the answering machine straightaway.

The smile had completely worn off my face by now. Realising that she always kept a spare key under the doormat, I picked it up and unlocked the door.

I stepped inside leaving the chocolates and flowers behind. The lights were on but I was taken aback because of what I saw.

The lamp was lying on the floor. Small pieces of glass were shattered all around the entrance and her hand bag was on the bed with her makeup fallen out. Her bathrobe was also lying on the floor.

My eyes were wide open as I looked around the apartment. I picked up the bathrobe and brought it to my nose. It still had a faint vanilla smell of her body soap but it was completely dry. Hugging the robe, I went into the kitchen where I saw a bloody knife on the kitchen counter. I took a few steps back as I was freaking out. I heard a crack and looked down to see her phone under my foot.

I took my phone and called quickly. The person on the other end, picked up immediately.

"Hyung!" I gulped and took a deep breath, stopping myself from crying. "Sh-she's not here. She's... gone," I looked down to the bathrobe in my hands and sobbed.

What happened while I was away?


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Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now