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*Hoseok's point of view*

Ever since Jimin left, I met Mia to make her feel better. She didn't cry much but instead swallowed her sorrow.

"Stop drinking, Mia." I said, taking the whiskey bottle from her hand. "Please! You've been drinking a lot!"

"So what?" She said, shrugging her shoulders.

We watched the movie and ate pizza in silence until she spoke again. "Hoseok... Thanks for being here for me. But... don't come here from tomorrow."

"Why? I like spending time with you." I said sadly not wanting her to distant herself from me.

"Sorry.. but I need some time alone. I might even go back home for a while."

"Oh... but if you need me you know I'm here." I smiled at her.

"Yes I know." She smiled back.

*Jimin's point of view*

When I went back home, turned out that my dad wasn't that ill. My parents allowed me to go back but I insisted on staying. Even though I really wanted to go back and fix things with Mia, I needed some time to think.

I was back in my childhood room where I once thought of bringing Mia. I wanted to forgive her and believe that she hadn't been lying to me but it didn't seem possible.

I thought about what Yoongi had said and it slowly started making sense. Even though she showed affection towards me, she was always distant. She never let me know details about her life and she often cancelled plans because she had something else to do. I respected her personal space and didn't ask her many questions.

But what I failed to understand was how Yoongi knew things about her. It bothered me more than anything so I called him. He declined the call several times before finally picking up.

"WHAT?" He yelled.


"Why the fuck are you bothering me?" He paused then said, "Is your dad okay?" His tone changed suddenly.

"He's fine. But we have to talk. Please tell me what you know about Mia." I begged him.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"

"Because she keeps saying there's nothing. And I know there is something because you said so."

"I was drunk, Jimin. Just forget I said anything. I'm sorry though... I wasn't thinking straight. I was just... jealous."

"You said it before too. You knew she smokes and you thought I don't know... what was that about?" I questioned.

"I'm a jerk. You know that. I was jealous that she likes you. But I'm over her now." Yoongi replied but I still didn't believe him.

"Don't lie Yoongi. JUST TELL ME WHAT IT IS!" I yelled into my phone.

"God Jimin! She told me not to tell you..." He paused then finally said, "It's just that below Club Cypher, there is this thing called the House of Cards where people play poker. Anyone can join. She plays there and I found out because I play there too. You know.. when I say I'm going to meet Jisoo?" I wasn't too shocked by what it was but instead more confused.

"Why didn't she want me to know? And why did you hide it from us?"

"I just wanted it to be a private thing in my life and maybe Mia wanted that too. Maybe it's nothing, don't stress over it."

"But you made it sound like it was something big. That you know more about her than I do."

"I was jealous. I wanted her to be mine. I liked her before she even met you. But as usual she liked you." Suddenly Yoongi sounded angry again.

"It's not my fault Yoongi. I didn't even think that she'd liked me."

"I know... just forget it. When are you coming back?"

"Maybe next week. How is she by the way?"

"I don't know. I'm staying away from her. Hoseok meets her mostly, ask him."

"Oh okay. Thanks Yoongi!"

"Yeah, no prob bro."

After the call, I finally felt at ease. But there was still something bothering me deep inside. I wanted to call Mia and make up with her but I wasn't sure if she'd take me back. I spent the rest of my days, dwelling over calling her.

*Mia's point of view*

Ever since Jimin left, I tried to swallow my sorrow by drinking. Hoseok was nice enough to meet me almost everyday and try to make me feel better. I did feel good when I was with him but almost everything reminded me of Jimin.

I finally asked Hoseok to stop meeting me and lied that I might be going back home. I just wanted to finish what I had to do. And in order to do so, I had to distant myself from everyone I know.

I called Vicky and told her I was going to meet Jimin, (not realising she might ask one of the boys). I also emailed my office, asking for a leave and set off to finish my business.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now