I Like It

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*Jimin's point of view*

I woke up alone on the wooden floor of Mia's apartment. I noticed a cushion under my head which she might have kept while I was asleep. I looked down at my body covered with blood remembering the events of last night. I don't know when we fell asleep but I felt good after waking up.

I got up, looking for Mia. She was in her room, drying her hair. She gave me a smile as I went into the bathroom and washed up the blood from my face and body.

I should have been happy that I had consecutive amazing nights with the girl I liked but it still made me sad that she left her previous apartment. And somehow, it felt like it was my fault.

"I wish you were still my neighbour" I said as I came out. Unexpectedly, a tear fell down my cheek as I sat next to her on the bed. She turned around facing me and wiped the tear with her lips.

"Do you prefer me being your neighbour or your girlfriend?" She asked seriously. I felt like a cry baby because I did not seem to be happy. But it made me blush when she mentioned herself as my girlfriend.

"My girlfriend..." I replied softly.

"Do you not believe that I like you?" She was still very serious and it made me nervous. Maybe I made her angry.

"I know you like me... it's just that... the guys seem to be with you all the time instead of me. And they also seem to know more about you than I do." I was afraid that she'd slap me and tell me to leave but instead she spoke softly.

"I spent the last two nights with you, not them. I like hanging out with them but that doesn't mean I don't like you." I stared at her, biting my lip before she continued, "I know you want me to give you all the attention and trust me I would, but I can't leave everyone behind to do so."

It felt like I made her feel bad. I bent forward and kissed her perfect lips, realising that she initiated the kiss the last two times. She kissed me back and pushed me down on the mattress. She placed soft kisses all over my face, coming back to my lips. She sucked onto my lower lip and began biting it which felt like it would start bleeding again.

She suddenly let go of my lip from between her teeth and spoke, "I like you Jimin. I really like you. I know I'm no good for you but I can't help it. Your aura is too alluring." She stopped to kiss my lips, then continued, "I suck at showing my affection and the last two nights, what I did, I meant it."

"That was amazing. And you're good for me, I don't want anyone else." I stroked her hair with my fingers. She kissed me a little more, then got off of me.

"Help me unpack." She pulled me out of the bed.

We unpacked all her things and put them in place. Her apartment looked much better than the previous one and I was finally satisfied. After getting done with the unpacking, I was sitting on the couch and Mia was lying down with her head on the armrest; her bare feet on my lap. I was rubbing her small feet when Taehyung called.

"Where are you dude?" He asked.

"With Mia." I replied, smiling at her.

"We're going for lunch to The Pizza Place you guys wanna come?" I looked at Mia and asked, "You want to go for lunch with the guys?"

"If it's fine with you," she left the decision to me.

"Yeah, we'll come there directly." I told him and cut the call.


When we reached The Pizza Place, everyone was already there. I scooted next to Jungkook, making room for Mia on the other side. Taehyung who was sitting across us, began talking to her.

Namjoon gave me a weird look and Jungkook asked as almost a whisper, "What the hell happened to your lip?" I touched it quickly releasing that it was swollen because of Mia's kisses.

"Uhh.. Nothing!" I replied shyly.

"It's all red and swollen." Jungkook smirked and added, "What did she do this time?"

I felt awkward and didn't want Mia to overhear us. "Nothing! It's swollen because of the dry weather." I snapped at Jungkook.

Yoongi was staring at me weirdly too which made me want to hide my lips. I tucked my lower lip in, covering it with the upper one and the cut opened. I sucked the blood and felt a burning sensation on the cut. I let my lip out, unaware that it was still bleeding.

As Mia looked at me, she noticed it and sucked onto the lip very softly. "It's bleeding again." She smiled and ignored everyone's gaze. It suddenly had me wondering if she'd suck onto my blood if I bled anywhere else too.

My suspicion was soon answered when Jungkook kept poking my neck with a piece of foil and it pierced into my skin. Mia immediately pulled me closer and sucked the blood. It felt like Jungkook was suspicious about it too as he met my gaze and smirked.

After dinner I dropped Mia off to her apartment. "I'm too tired, Jimin. I'll see you tomorrow." She hinted that she didn't want me to stay over. I left without telling her that I wanted to stay with her.

When I went back, the new couple were moving their things in Mia's old apartment. It made me feel sick and my head spun.

I changed and got into bed when I saw Yoongi leaving the apartment.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now