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*Yoongi's point of view*

"Have the police not found anything yet?" I asked Namjoon.

"No! They checked June's house, no one is there since he lives alone. None of his neighbours know anything either." Namjoon replied.

"Why haven't they asked Mia's neighbours?" I questioned.

"Maybe they will."

"No offence but the police are useless. I'm going to ask Kai again." I picked up the car keys and turned towards the others. "Go look for Jimin one of you."

"The police are doing what they can, Yoongi! It takes time." Namjoon said.

"We don't have time! Jimin is on the verge of killing himself for her. And he constantly blames himself for leaving her here and he wouldn't have done that if I hadn't gotten between them. I need to find her, for him." I scratched my head tensely.

"I'll go look for him." Jungkook stood up.

"I'll come with you, Yoongi. We can go talk to Mia's neighbours too." Namjoon got up.

We got into the car and drove to Club Cypher. On our way, Namjoon called his father.

"Did he find out anything?" I asked.

"He said that June was a suspect in a murder case years ago."

"Whose murder?"

"Jackson Thawne."

"What the fuck does this have to do with Mia gone missing?" I asked annoyedly.

"I don't know.. they are looking into it. Maybe he's a serial killer." Namjoon shrugged.

We reached the club to find Kai sitting alone in a corner booth.

"Why are you here again?" He asked disgustedly.

"I'm asking you again. Tell me where June is!" I stood over him.

"I told you I don't know. Mia's not who she says she is. June found out and went after her. She was shady you know. She came to the club all sexy, trying to seduce him. Then one day she met this guy.." Kai pointed towards me as he looked at Namjoon. "..here, and she stopped coming."

"What the fuck do you mean she's not who she says she is?" I asked realising that it wasn't just Jimin but probably I didn't know much about her either.

*Jimin's point of view*

I left the apartment in anger not knowing where to go. I wanted to find Mia but I had no idea where she'd be. I held my head in my palms and forced myself to think hard.

Where would she be?
Where would have June taken her?
There must be something she left behind. Something that'll give me a clue to where she is.

I ran all the way to her apartment. As I reached upstairs, I stopped to catch my breath and went inside before someone would see me. It still hurt me to see the condition her apartment was in. I looked around trying to figure out where I could find a clue. Just then I remembered her telling me once, "Never look inside this closet. It has things I don't want anyone to see. You know, weird stuff!"

Ignoring what she'd said, I opened it to find only a small locker inside. I dialled her birthday but it didn't open. Then I dialled my birthday, it still didn't open. After several more tries and failing, I dialled her phone's passcode, "134340" and it finally opened. I had no idea what the significance of these numbers was but I was glad that I was getting somewhere.

The locker consisted of a revolver which I didn't dare touch. Along with it was a small diary and a passport. Mia had long black hair in her passport picture and looked quite different. But what surprised me was her name on it which read, "Lily Thawne". My eyes opened wide as I realised that I really didn't know anything about her. Why would she change her name? I thought.

The diary had a few scribbles on it, some of which seemed like handmade blueprints. I figured out from the labelling that one of them was of my apartment building.

| | | |
| J's house | | my house |
| | | |
-------- --------
<- others |____

I stared at it for a while, trying to make sense of it. The other one was not labelled but had one box circled in red and "good enough" written at the bottom.

"Jimin? You here?" I heard Jungkook's voice come from the lounge. He came into Mia's bedroom and sat next to me on the floor. "What're you doing here?"

"I found this." I showed him the diary and the passport. "Her name is different here and the diary has these. I'm trying to figure out what she was doing."

"You shouldn't be here. Let's go!" He pulled me up.

"I'm taking these with me."

"Okay!" Jungkook closed the closet and we left the apartment.

On my way back home, I kept thinking of what Mia was planning to do.

"I think Mia was planning to kill June. But I wonder why." I told Jungkook.

"Maybe.. lets just talk to the guys and figure it out together." He replied.

When we got back, everyone was sitting in the lounge, talking seriously. As soon as they saw me, they gave me a questioning look. I showed them the passport and the diary.

"Look, this says her name is Lily Thawne. And the diary..."

"Wait wait wait! What?" Yoongi snatched the passport from me and looked at Namjoon. I looked at them confusedly.

"Shit!" Namjoon said.

"What's in the diary?" Hoseok asked taking it away from me.

"These... this one is our building. And this I don't know. Yoongi, did you know her real name?" I asked.

"Me and Namjoon went to talk to Kai. He said that Mia isn't who she says she is. And before that, Namjoon's father told us that June was a suspect in the murder of a guy named Jackson Thawne. So..." His voice trailed off and I gulped.

"He was probably related to her and.." Namjoon said.

"She wanted to take revenge." Yoongi completed the sentence.

We all exchanged surprised glances.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now