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*Yoongi's point of view*

Mia had moved out of her apartment and Jimin spent the night there. I wondered what they might have been doing since Jimin doesn't usually initiate and Mia seems too dominant.

We went to The Pizza Place for lunch where Jimin and Mia joined us. I immediately noticed that his lips were swollen as if they had been bleeding. He has a natural pout but it seemed more enhanced. Mia was busy talking to Taehyung when Jungkook noticed his lips too.

"What the hell happened to your lip?" He asked making Jimin uncomfortable suddenly.

"Uhh... Nothing!" Jimin replied shyly, feeling his lower lip.

"It's all red and swollen. What did she do this time?" Jungkook asked.

"Nothing! It's swollen because of the dry weather." Jimin snapped at Jungkook.

I knew he was lying. It seemed like she bit his lip and made it bleed. Maybe that was another of her fantasies. He tried covering it by tucking his lower lip in but it opened his cut and made it bleed again. As soon as Mia noticed his bloody lip, she sucked onto it softly, taking the blood into her mouth. Honestly, it kind of turned me on.

Later, Jungkook was poking Jimin's neck with a piece of foil when it cut through a little making it bleed. Once again Mia sucked of the blood. I tried to wrap my head around what was going on. How did Jimin so easily let her do this to him, I wondered.

Later that night, Jimin came back from her place as I was leaving. I went to Club Cypher, only to find Mia there again.

After the game, I went after her. "Mia?" I called out as I noticed her standing against the wall in the alley, puffing onto her cigarette. She turned to look at me with the cigarette still in her mouth.

"You smoke?" I asked, lighting my own. "Does Jimin know?"

"No, I don't smoke that much so Jimin doesn't know." She replied.

"Want to go for ice cream?" I asked her, feeling stupid. She stared at me for a bit then answered, "Sure!"

We went to an ice cream parlour nearby. We sat in silence until I spoke. "By the way, I don't dislike you, like you said that day."

She laughed and said, "Honestly it seems like you don't like me, especially being around Jimin. Which is fine I guess." It was true, I didn't want her with Jimin but I didn't not like her.

"Do you really like him?" I finally asked.

"Yes, I do." She replied in a sad tone. "Why'd you ask?"

"It's just that he's a soft hearted person. Whatever you do to him, I mean do with him, just make sure he can handle it." I didn't think I was making sense with any of this.

"What do you mean?" She asked annoyedly.

"Just..." I paused to accumulate my thoughts. "You seem like a complicated person. Like you have secrets, as you haven't told Jimin about coming to the House of Cards. And he doesn't know you smoke."

"Well that is right. Maybe I'm not even the right person for him. But I really do like him. And I like to keep some things personal. I might tell him soon though." She genuinely seemed to care for Jimin and I did not know how to feel about it.

"Actually I like to keep some things personal too. I guess we both are quiet alike then huh." I smiled.

"Maybe," she smiled back. "By the way, sorry I found you arrogant and made a judgment. I think you're pretty cool, especially when you're playing poker." I found myself blushing at her comment.

After we were done eating, I asked Mia if I could walk her home. "Aha, what? I can go myself, Yoongi." She laughed.

"It's late, let me walk you home please." I had no idea why I wanted to drop her home but it seemed like the right thing to do.

"Haha, okay." She finally said.

As we got to her apartment, I leaned against the wall and waited as she unlocked the door. She stared at me before opening the door, probably waiting for me to leave. "I need to use the washroom." I said.

She let me into the apartment and led me into her bathroom. I turned on the tap, waited for a while, flushed and came out. She was in her lounge which smelt of vanilla. I noticed three candles lit, standing on one of the shelves. "Can I have some water." I asked, startling her.

"Sure!" I followed her into the kitchen and sat on the slab next to the fridge. She handed me the glass of water which I sipped onto slowly.

She went into her room and I looked around the apartment, imagining her and Jimin together. I wondered what it had been like when they made out.

It had been fifteen minutes and I still hadn't finished the water when Mia peeped out of her room to check if I had gone.

She wore a black t-shirt and shorts which revealed her curves. She came into the kitchen, finding me still drinking water.

"I thought you left." She said, standing in front of me.

I gulped the water in one big sip and stared into her dark brown eyes.

"Yoongi?" She said in a questioning manner.

"Mia..." I sighed, keeping my eyes fixed into hers.

"Hmm? You okay?" She asked concernedly.

"Why do you like Jimin?" I asked; my heart beating fast.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now