Converse High

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*Jimin's point of view*

After three months, me and Hoseok were finally back in Seoul. Every year we took part in the Dancing Competition which was held in different countries. We both always competed against each other and I always won. But this time, to Hoseok's luck, it was him who got the prize.

I was an extremely competitive person and I hated losing. Even though it annoyed me, I was still happy for my friend.

He constantly kept waving the trophy at my face and teasing me while I tried to unlock the apartment door.

"Hyuuung!" I slapped his shoulder and whined. "Stop it!" I said putting emphasis on the "p" and "t" and Hoseok let out a loud laughter.

Just then, we were interrupted by someone else talking.

"Oh my God, he looked so hot. He never fails to look perfect." A blonde girl in a white dress came, walking along with a girl who immediately caught my attention.

The first thing I noticed was her light purple hair with sunglasses pinned on top. Her bangs fell perfectly, hiding her forehead. She was sucking onto a blue lollipop due to which her lips had changed colour. The black leather jacket she wore had two cherries on the left. Her shorts came down to her upper thighs, revealing her skinny legs. I looked at her all the way down, landing my eyes on her converse highs that were the same colour as her hair.

She laughed at her friend's comment and looked towards us. We made a seconds eye contact until Hoseok spoke.

"Hello. You must be our neighbours. I'm Hoseok, this is Jimin." He shook hands with the blonde girl while the other kept sucking her lollipop.

"Oh hi." The blonde girl smiled. "Actually she's the neighbour. I'm her friend, I don't live here." She pointed at her friend who was still busy with her lollipop. "I'm Vicky and she's Mia."

Mia finally left the lollipop and asked, "You guys live here?" She pointed towards our apartment door.

"Yes." Hoseok replied.

"Isn't this where that arrogant guy lives? The one with mint coloured hair?" Just as she spoke, Yoongi came out of the apartment. "Him," Mia instantly said.

"Haha, well me, Jimin and Yoongi live here together. Jimin and I were gone for a dance competition. We just got back." Hoseok explained and I realised he hadn't shoved his trophy at them yet.

"When did you guys arrive? I'm starving, going out for some ramen." Yoongi ignored the girls and got into the elevator.

Mia rolled her eyes at him but turned around and smiled at me. Just then Namjoon came out of his apartment which was on the other side of ours.

"I thought I heard your voice Hobi. Where's the TROPHY?" He asked turning towards me. I ran my hand through my hair and gestured towards Hoseok.

"I WON!" Hoseok yelled. Since they both were busy celebrating, I turned towards Mia and Vicky.

"Sorry about him. He won the competition and can't shut up about it." I fake smiled.

"Wait, how do you guys know Namjoon?" Vicky asked.

"We're friends. How do you know him?" I cross questioned, turning back to look at him. Namjoon noticed and came forward. "Oh hi, Vicky!"

Vicky and I looked at each other confusedly while Mia leaned against the wall, cracking her lollipop between her teeth.

"Oh sorry, Vicky, Jimin, Jimin, Vicky." He introduced us.

"We already met, Namjoon." Vicky smiled hugging his hand, turning his smile even bigger, revealing his dimples.

"Remember I told you I have two friends who love dancing. It's these two." He told Vicky and turned to me and Hoseok, "Guys, this is Vicky. She's friends with our neighbour Mia and we..." His voice trailed off as he blushed and we figured that they might have hooked up.

"Vicky!" Mia called out to her and I realised that she was getting bored.

"Yes sorry, we have to go." Vicky told us and mouthed sorry towards Namjoon as they left.

I wondered what Mia would be doing as we changed and decided on ordering some food.

"Where the hell did Yoongi go?" Namjoon asked annoyedly.

"He's probably with Jisoo." I told him. Jisoo was a girl who he usually hooked up with but we'd never met her.

"So you met Mia and Vicky huh?" Jungkook asked with a smirk.

"Hmm.. so you guys are good friends with them?" I asked out of curiosity since I felt that Jungkook might like Mia.

"Yep. Mia moved in next door like two months ago. Tae was the first one to meet her." Jungkook replied.

"Yeah, I dumped into her downstairs. She was in a hurry and her hot coffee spilt all over me." Taehyung smiled at the thought of it.

A wave of jealousy swept through my heart and I wished I was the one who she'd spilt the hot coffee on.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang