Hold Me Tight

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*Jimin's point of view*

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my bare skin, covered in wounds from before. I stroked the healed wounds with my fingers, recalling all the moments with Mia.

I dyed my hair black again since the light colour reminded me of the night I found out Mia was missing. I took the blade of my razor and slit along my collar bone, just below the previous wound. I spread the blood around my neck, filling in tears.

Then I cut through my lower arm, making it bleed more than I expected. I plopped on the bed and sucked some blood; making it pour over my bare chest. Even though it hurt a lot, I cut another slit on the palm of my other hand. Whispering her name to myself, I rubbed the bloody palm across my body.

*Yoongi's point of view*

"Dad called. The blood on the knife is June's, so the police are searching for him. All other things have Mia's DNA on them so clearly it was June who abducted her." Namjoon told all of us.

"Fuck! I never liked that guy." I said disgustedly.

"Well at least the police are looking for him now." Hoseok said. "By the way, it's been too long since Jimin went to change." He added.

"Probably he fell asleep?" Jungkook stated.

Jin opened the door to Jimin's room and yelled, "OH MY GOD JIMIN!" He rushed inside and we all followed him.

Jimin was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, covered in blood. "Shit! What did you do!" Jin went to him and picked up his arm. There was a long cut on his arm which had bled down to the bedsheet. I noticed a bloody blade lying next to him.

"Fuck! He fucking cut himself!" I said, noticing another cut on his palm.

"Oh God, Jimin. Get up! GET UP!!" Jin yelled, shaking Jimin.

"I think he fainted because of the blood loss." Jin said.

"Should I call a doctor?" Hoseok asked worriedly.

"I'm... I'm fine.." Jimin opened his eyes a little and spoke.

"I thought you fucking died, Jimin!" I said. "Why the hell did you do that?"

Instead of saying something, Jimin looked at his hands and began sobbing.

"I shouldn't have left her here. I shouldn't have been pissed at her or doubted her or...." Jimin broke into tears.

"We'll find her, Jimin. We'll find her." Jin consoled him.

"What if she's... dead?" Jimin spoke softly.

"She's not. The police are looking for June. They'll find her too." Namjoon told him.

"Now please wash up and eat something. You can't do this to yourself because of her." I pulled Jimin out of the bed and pushed him into the bathroom.

He gave me a sad look before closing the door and I worried whether he'd be fine by himself.

*Jimin's point of view*

I took of my jeans and got into the shower. As the water struck my body, I felt empty, as if someone had punched a large hole through my heart. I felt pain in my chest as my heart forced itself to beat. Trying hard not to tear up, I sat on the floor, folded my legs up to my chest and hugged them tightly.

I wanted someone to hold me, to hug me tightly and make this pain go away. And the only person who could do that was somewhere I didn't even know. As I let go of my legs, I noticed the cigarette burn on my thigh that I had forgotten about.

I stood up with the help of the shower cabin door handle and leaned against the wall.

Mia was clearly so uncomfortable in front of June. Why didn't I notice that something was wrong? Why didn't I ask her why she wanted me to stay away from him? How did I let it slide? How? HOW? I grabbed my hair in a fist as I questioned myself.

Instead of knowing what was going on in her life, I was busy doubting her. I was more concerned about her cheating on me. It drove me crazy as to how stupid and unaware I had been.

How did I not know? Why did I not know? I shouldn't have left her. I should have taken her with me. I should have made up with her before leaving. Why didn't I do that? Why? I beat my head a few times, making myself realise what I had done.

The anger kept piling up inside of me. I was angry at myself, angry at June, angry at life.

Why did this have to happen? Why did I let it happen? "WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?"

I kept punching the wall with both my fists not caring about how much they hurt. They started turning red but I wanted myself to suffer, I didn't stop as I yelled more and more.

"AAAHHHHH!" I yelled as I punched hard enough to hear a crack.

*Yoongi's point of view*

As I heard Jimin's screams, I ran into his bathroom to find him yelling in the shower.

"JIMIN!" I opened the shower cabin and pulled him towards me. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled at him as he fell onto the floor.

I turned off the shower noticing blood on the wall. "Fuck!" I looked down at Jimin lying on the floor with his fists covered in blood. I helped him stand up and handed him a towel which he wrapped around his waist.

"Jimin, please stop this." I said.

"I deserve to be punished. It's my fault. I shouldn't have doubted her. I should have noticed that something was wrong." Jimin clenched his teeth. His eyes were full of anger as he looked at me.

"It's not your fault, Jimin! Stop blaming yourself." I tried calming him but he got out of the shower cabin, pushing me away.

"June was my friend. How could he do this to me. Why would he take Mia away?" He went into his room and put on his jeans.


"I'll find him myself." Jimin grabbed a t shirt from the closet and slammed the door.

"You're not going to find him alone. Jimin, listen!" I grabbed him by the arm.

"Let go of my arm!" He tried freeing himself from my grip. "Let me go!"

"Shut up! The police are looking for them."

"I DON'T CARE! Let me... GO!" Jimin pulled himself away from me and rushed to the main door.

"Jimin! Stop!" I ran after him.

"Jimin!" Taehyung called him from the kitchen but it was too late.

Jimin had gone, leaving the door open behind him.


Sorry these intense chapters are hard to write.

I've tried my best to relate the chapter names with the content of the chapter as they are all BTS songs titles and it's not easy.

Please vote and share if you like the story.

Thanks for reading :)

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