Am I Wrong

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*Yoongi's point of view*

After Mia ended the call, there was an awkward silence between us. There were a lot of things I wanted to say to her but did not know where to start.

"I need to go somewhere. You should leave Yoongi." She handed me her coffee and went into her room.

I stayed in the lounge for a while, trying not to cry as my heart was hurting and I felt like falling onto the couch. I drank the coffee that she'd left and cleared my throat before leaving her apartment. I knew she'd take the elevator so I sat on the stairs as I did not want to go back home just yet.

After a while, I heard the elevator go "ting", knowing that Mia was gone. I smoked a few cigarettes until I finally decided to leave. I had reached two floors down but I found myself going back upstairs and standing in front of her apartment.

I strolled up and down the corridor until my legs began hurting. I sat against the wall next to the door to her apartment and the next thing I know is that I was being woken up.

"Yoongi?" I jolted from my sleep, forgetting where I was and how long I had been there. I looked up to see from my blurry vision. Mia was looking down at me with her keys dangling in her hand. "Why are you still here?"

I stroked my hair and looked down, knowing that I should have left. "I don't know how I fell asleep here. I'm not feeling well." I excused. Mia bent down on her knees and looked me straight in the eyes.

"You seem fine. What's up with you?" She asked as if whatever happened in the morning did not happen at all.

"I just... can I please lie down inside?" I asked softly.

Mia unlocked the door and took me inside. I thought she'll make me lie down on the couch but she offered me her bed instead. As I plunged onto the soft white sheet, I breathed in her smell; even though it made me uncomfortable to think that Jimin had been on the bed too. I sunk half of my face into the pillow and closed my eyes. I could sense her existence in the room and it made my heart race.

"Mia?" I called out with my eyes still closed.

"Hmm?" She replied from behind me.

"Am I wrong?" I asked, turning to face her.

"Wrong about what?" She asked, sitting on the small area next to my legs.

"Trying to look like Jimin? And wanting to be with you?" Mia stared at me as I spoke.

"Why the sudden change of attitude, Yoongi?" She finally asked.

I got up and sat down with my arms resting behind me on the bed. "I never meant to be like that. I liked you the moment I saw you." I sat up straight to get closer to her.

"Your actions told me otherwise. I'd spilt some coffee in front of the elevator and you snapped at me rudely for being clumsy." She reminded me.

"I know... I was just not in a good mood that day. But I liked you, I still like you. But everything always has to involve Jimin." I sighed.

"What does that mean?"

"Jimin always gets the girl. Girls fall for him so easily, even though half of the time he does not even have the courage to go talk to them. They dominate over him, just like you do..."

"Wait what! I don't dominate over Jimin!" Mia interrupted me.

"You do! He submits to your desires so easily. You fucking cut him for pleasure and he lets you do it." A sense of jealousy filled inside me as I said that.

"If that's how insane you think I am, why do you still like me?" Mia snapped, looking away from me.

"Because... somehow that attracts me even more" Cut me, make me bleed, suck my blood. I thought to myself as I came close to her face, making her move back a little.

"Sorry, Yoongi!" Mia said.

"Why does it always have to be Jimin? Why do you girls like him? What does he have that I don't?" I almost began yelling into her face.

"What do you mean why it always has to be Jimin?" She asked ignoring the actual question.

"Another time before, me and Jimin liked the same girl. He did not even talk to her, while I was friends with her. But she chose him over me!" I paused for her to reply but since she didn't, I continued, "Why is it so wrong of me to like you? Why can't you kiss me instead? Why can't you fulfil your crazy fantasies with me? Is Jimin that good in bed? Is he a good kisser?" I paused again but Mia still didn't reply, so I continued again.

"Maybe if you kiss me, you'll know I can kiss you better than him." Before she could answer or react, I locked my lips with hers. Her lips stayed still as I lingered my tongue onto hers and kissed every inch of her rosey lips. I greedily wanted her to bite my lips like she did with Jimin. I hardened the kiss by pulling her closer by her neck. She tried to set her lips free but I pulled her in even more. Soon Mia grabbed my shirt and squeezed it into her fist, trying to push me away. I suddenly realised that she did not want to kiss me at all and let go of her.

"What is wrong with you Yoongi! I'm your friend's girlfriend." Mia reminded me but I shrugged my shoulders in a so-what manner.

"I thought you were arrogant but then I saw that you are actually a nice guy. But that doesn't mean you can hit on me! I love Jimin and you just made me cheat on him. Don't ever try this again!" Mia yelled at me, getting off the bed.

My heart shattered into a million pieces as soon as I heard her say that she loves Jimin. It made me more jealous and hate him.


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