House Of Cards

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*Yoongi's point of view*

It was almost midnight, I told the guys I was going over to Jisoo's and left the apartment. I headed straight to Club Cypher. The club was full of couples dancing with their bodies locked together. Giving them a disgusted look, I went to the back where the man guarding the door greeted me and let me in.

I went down into the room below the club where the House of Cards took place. This was were people played poker. The common players included the owner of the club, June and his friends Kai, Bobby and Minho. I used to be a regular player too but lying to the guys to come here was becoming too suspicious. It was a different part of my life which I wanted to keep secret.

I sat on the poker table, smoking my fifth cigarette when two girls walked in. I recognised one of them, Rosie, who was Minho's girlfriend and the other took me by surprise. It was my neighbour, Mia.

She sat awkwardly as soon as she noticed me there. Mia was a pretty good player but I wondered why she was there. She seemed like a completely different person.

After we were done, she was busy talking to Minho and I left.

"Yoongi! Yoongi!" Mia came running after me in the alleyway.

I turned to look at her annoyedly and said, "Hmm?" Walking away again.

She caught up with me and said, "Listen Yoongi, please don't mention me being here to Jimin or any of the guys."

"Why?" I laughed.

"Please just don't. I know you don't like me much and we don't get along but keep this between us?" She frowned.

"Okay! Anyways they don't know about me coming here either."

"Thanks!" She smiled at me. I stopped to look at her for a while. I knew that Jimin liked her but I wondered if she actually liked him back. She seemed like a mysterious person and I did not want my friend to get hurt because of her. I thought of asking her if she liked Jimin but I ditched the idea immediately.

That night I could not sleep properly. I had a lot on my mind and mostly it was Mia and I did not know what to do about it.


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