Chocolate Cheeks

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*Jimin's point of view*

Almost two weeks had passed since Mia and I went to the club. We spent a lot of time together, going for movies or for food but she went out with the others too. Mostly it was Taehyung and Jungkook who asked her to go somewhere with them. Jin still made different recipes and fed them to her. And she was mostly around in our apartment, spending time with Hoseok.

Even though we went out a lot too, I always felt a spark between us but nothing ever happened. There were times when we were so close to kissing but she always maintained a distance.

A few days ago, she told me something that completely tore me apart. We were having dinner when I finally got the courage and asked her if she liked me.

"It's complicated, Jimin." She said.

"What do you mean? You can't deny it. We have something between us." I said disappointedly.

"We might have something, Jimin but it's better if we just stay friends. You're too sweet, you deserve someone better." She seemed sad when she said this but then she added. "I'm leaving the apartment anyways." And it took me by surprise.

"Leaving? Where are you going?" I asked her confusedly.

"I got a new, bigger apartment. A little far from this one. I'm moving out after five days." I gulped as I heard her say this. My heart hurt and I frowned.

"But... why are you leaving. This apartment is nice, no?"

"I wanted a bigger apartment, and I got one, so I'm moving out." She'd replied coldly.

At least having her as my neighbour kept me in touch with her. The thought of her being away was painful and I wanted someone to hold my heart.

The guys were sad about her leaving too, especially because they knew I liked her.


It was the day before she was going to move out when we invited her over. We spent half of the day helping her pack her things. I tried my best not to tear up in front of her.

After sunset, the darkness brought more tension into the house. The day was ending and we all felt sentimental. We ordered a lot of pizza for dinner and put on a movie to lighten the mood.

Mia had just two slices of pizza. Almost half way through the movie, she got up and went into the kitchen. She sat on the counter stool, drinking water. I followed and sat next to her.

"Why're you leaving Mia?" I asked her sadly.

"I already told you Jimin." She replied coldly. My throat was dry suddenly and my head was spinning. I knew she liked me but why did she want to stay away from me.

"No, I mean why are you going away from me?" I asked sadly as it seemed like she never cared for me.

"I'm not going away from you. We can still meet." She uncapped the Nutella jar and began eating.

"Yeah.. but.. why can't you admit you like me?" I could feel myself tearing up now. "Is it because I'm short? Or is it my body? Or my face?" All my insecurities about myself started flooding out.

"I do like you Jimin." She kept licking the chocolate from her finger. She stared at me for a while and said, "But Jimin... You'll find someone better."

"But I really like you, Mia. I want you." I stood in front of her as she kept the open jar and began leaving. I leaned my head close to hers and closed my eyes, letting a tear fall down my cheek. "Just tell me why you don't want to be with me? Am I that bad?"

"No.. Jimin! You're perfect! And it's hard to control myself when I'm with you." She paused, then added, "Ugh, Jimin!"

Mia looked into my eyes for a bit then picked up the Nutella jar and took out some chocolate on her index finger. I was lost in her eyes when she got her finger to my lips suddenly and spread the chocolate on them. I looked at her with surprise as her lips came on mine. Instead of kissing me, she began licking and sucking the chocolate from my lips. Since the kitchen was open, I could feel everyone's eyes on us, probably as shocked as I was with what was happening.

After Mia wiped off all the chocolate from my lips, she took out more and spread it down my neck with both her hands. She licked and sucked it off from there too. It was a little awkward and weird with the guys watching us but I liked it. It was turning me on, making my heart beat faster. She began kissing me passionately as she wrapped her legs around my waist and I picked her up. My hands cupped her ass, kissing her tighter.

"Let's go in your room." She whispered, kissing my cheek and grabbing the Nutella jar. I did not understand why she used the chocolate spread instead of whipped cream which people often use; but I enjoyed it.

I carried her into my room, ignoring everyone who were busy watching us instead of the movie. I put her on my bed which was full of clothes. I began collecting the clothes when she leaned back and pulled me on top of her, wrapping her legs around me again. I kissed her perfect lips and then gave soft kisses down her neck. I noticed the jar lying next to us and took out some chocolate and repeated what she did with me in the kitchen.

She took off my shirt and flipped on top of me. She filled her hands with the chocolate and ran them down my chest. I took off her shirt before she licked the chocolate off my body.

Soon our bodies were half naked, filled with chocolate. Mia kept kissing my lips with chocolate on them making the kiss taste like her and chocolate; which was an interesting combination. I didn't want her to stop and she didn't.

Eventually we both fell asleep half naked, tangled into each other. I woke up a while later to find us in that position. There was chocolate all over the bedsheet and my clothes. I picked up the open jar and went into the kitchen in my boxers.

"What was that!?" Yoongi asked me as I capped the Nutella jar. I shrugged my shoulders and filled myself a glass of water. "Whatever it was, it was extremely hot. You're lucky!" He continued.

The moment Yoongi said "you're lucky", it made me uneasy as it suddenly reminded me that Mia was going to move out and this might never happen again.


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