Cypher: Killer

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*Mia's point of view*

I opened my eyes to find myself in an empty dark room. A bulb hung from the ceiling, barely giving out any light.

My arms were tied behind and my legs to the chair. The pain in my shoulders and butt made me realise that I had probably been sitting in that position for a long time. There was duct tape strapped across my lips tightly enough to not let my voice escape.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes when I heard a faint sound of songs playing. Just then I realised that I was at Club Cypher.

A while later, the door opened slightly and someone walked in. I recognised from his voice that it was June. He ripped the tape off my lips which burned badly.

"I know you're Lily Thawne, that asshole's sister. Why the fuck were you onto me? Came to take revenge huh?" He asked.

"I wanted to torture you and kill you. Like you did with Jackson." I spoke through my trembling lips.

"Your brother deserved that! It's because of him my sister died. He killed her." He said angrily.

"NO! HE DIDN'T KILL HER." I yelled, remembering what had really happened. "You asshole! You killed him and framed someone else. He was the only one I had, and you killed him!"

"He is the one who sold the drugs to her that she overdosed on. How..."

"It wasn't him." I interrupted. "You killed him for nothing. Your sister did it to herself."

"She wouldn't have done it if she didn't have THE FUCKING DRUGS!" He came closer and yelled in my face.

"I'm the one who sold her those drugs. Not Jackson." Immediately I regretted telling him. June's eyes opened wide and he grabbed my face.

"WHAT?" He clenched his teeth as he tightened his grip.

"She came to me... asking for them... so I took some from Jackson and sold them to her." I told him hesitantly, still feeling guilty.

He slapped me really hard and said, "How dare you sell her those drugs?"

"I told her to be careful. I didn't know she would take all of them together."

"Only if Jackson would have given up your name... he wouldn't have been dead. But I had to kill him for it and now, I get to kill you too." June gave me an evil smirk full of anger.

Before I could speak, he stuck the tape on my lips again and said, "Rot in here until you die."


I kept waking up not knowing whether it was day or night. The stomach rumbling and chest pain told me that I'd been there for quite some time now.

The only bulb that lit up the room had almost given up by now. Since I had been sitting in the same position for God knows how long, my body had become numb.

The door opened again, the bright light making me squint my eyes. From the silhouette I couldn't tell who it was until he finally spoke.

"Are you dead?" I recognised him immediately, it was Minho.

I couldn't speak because of the tape. He turned on the torch of his phone and shone it on my face. As I had been so used to the dark, the light seemed unusual to my eyes. He took off the bandage slowly.

"No..." I managed to say. He stared at me for a while with the light still on my face. "Can.. I.. ave... wa-er." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked coming closer.

"Water.. p-ease," I could barely hear my own voice. He got his face close to mine. I wanted him to stop and listen but didn't have the strength. He put the tape back on and left the room.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now