Let Me Know

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*Yoongi's point of view*

After a few games of poker at Club Cypher, I went to the bar. I had way too much to drink and by the time I left, I was completely drunk. The first and only thought that came to my mind was Mia. I headed straight to her apartment not thinking twice and knowing I'd regret it later.

I leaned on her door with my hand resting on it and rang the bell once. Mia opened it within a minute.

"Yoongi, what are you doing here?" She whispered. I noticed her covered in blood realising that she wasn't alone.

"You're with Jimin!" I said, pointing towards the blood on her hands.

"Yes! And I don't want him to see you here. So please, please leave." She begged me looking in stressfully, probably hoping that Jimin doesn't come at the door.

"What do you see in that guy. I can treat you way better, babe." I stumbled close to her and she held me by my shoulders.

"Are you drunk? Oh God Yoongi please, you need to go." She pleaded, making a sad face. Just then she looked inside again and then at me, nervously. By her look I could tell that Jimin was coming.

"Babe, who is it?" Jimin opened the door fully and looked at me with a straight face. He stood there shirtless, covered in blood as Mia looked at both of us worriedly.

"What do you want, Yoongi?" He asked while clenching his teeth.

"Her, of course!" I entered the apartment, pushing him away. "Every girl has to fall for you right? How do you do it?" I asked.

"I don't want to argue. Leave, Yoongi." Jimin replied in a soft tone.

"I can never get the girl when you're around. You..."

"Shut up! You got Sasha. You made her cheat on me with you." He interrupted.

"I saw Mia first. I liked her before you. But of course, you had to come along and take her away." I got close to him, face to face, before I continued. "And you don't even know her like I do. I'm sure she hasn't told you things that I know about her. She might be good at seducing you but I'm sure she's not honest with you." As I said that, Jimin's face turned into a frown and Mia stepped in between us.

"You need to leave Yoongi, get out!" She pushed me towards the door.

"I'm telling you Jimin, you don't know anything about her. Not one bit." And with that, Mia pushed me out and slammed the door on my face.


*Jimin's point of view*

As soon as Yoongi mentioned me not knowing Mia like he did, she pushed him out and slammed the door. She looked at me worriedly and said, "Jimin..."

"What did he mean by that, Mia?" I asked, stressfully. I had forgotten about the worries I had regarding her but now they all had come back. "Nothing! He's drunk, he didn't know what he was saying." I wanted to trust her but I couldn't. "Seemed like he knew exactly what he was saying. What does he know that I don't know? Is this why he thought I didn't know that you smoke?" I just wanted her to tell me the truth but I knew she lied.
"I don't know what he thinks he knows. There's nothing, Jimin."

"Do you like him? You didn't even.. you didn't say I love you back either.." I gulped and stopped my tears from falling. "What! No! I do love you, Jimin. I was going to say it back, I just came to check on the door." Somehow, I doubted that.

"Did you know he was coming? Did you call him because you thought I won't be coming over today?" My head hurt at the thought of what I was saying. "Oh my God, did you... did you guys hooked up while I was gone? Is that why he came here so late? Do you call him when I'm not here?..." My voice broke and it felt like I'll throw up. I rested my butt on the sofa to avoid falling.

"No, no, Jimin. What are you even saying. I don't like Yoongi. We didn't hook up. Don't think like that, please." Mia came running and taking me into a hug. I didn't hug her back and instead pushed her away.

"I love you, Mia. I love you too much to even argue with you. If you... if you like Yoongi then go be with him. I... I..." I stopped to catch a breath then continued, "You can tell me if you have feelings for him. Ever since I came back, I noticed the awkwardness between you guys. I didn't think... I thought it was just him but... but if you liked being with him more than me, then you can leave me. I'll let you go, I won't come between you and him." I looked down and sighed, letting a tear fall on the floor.

"I won't leave you Jimin. I don't want to be with him, I want to be with you." Mia placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Then tell me. Tell me what he knows that I don't know." I asked again, hoping she'd tell me and end my misery.

"It's nothing, babe. Seriously. I..." She started saying something but paused and said something else, "Please trust me, Jimin."

I pushed her away again and went into her room. As she came after me I realised she was wearing my t-shirt. Being in the room reminded me of the good time we were having which I didn't think would end like this. Without saying a word, I headed towards the door.

"Jimin!" Mia ran after me and stood against the door. "Please, don't leave!" She said.

I held my t-shirt by the neck and stared at her. I still wanted to touch her. I wanted her to continue kissing me but my heart hurt. She realised she was wearing my t-shirt and began taking it off. I stopped her and pulled the t-shirt down her waist. As my hand trailed down her skin, it send chills through my body. At that moment, I knew I was screwed.

We stood staring into each other's eyes when I heard my phone ringing from her room. I answered my mom's call, standing by the door of her room. She stayed leaned towards the door, looking at me sadly. I ended the call and came back to her.

"It was my mom. Dad's ill. I should go take care of him." I told her sadly, wanting to hug her tight.

"I'll come with you." She said suddenly.

"No... just... stay here." I replied. "I need some sleep before I leave tomorrow." I held the doorknob signalling her to move.

"Sleep here. Your wound is open, at least let me..."

"I don't care about the wound. It'll heal." I interrupted her rudely, making her gulp.

"Take your shirt before you leave. It's cold outside." She took off the t-shirt and handed it to me.

If there's anything else belonging to me here, you can throw it. I thought of saying but I put on my t-shirt and waited for her to move away from the door.

Instead, she stared in my eyes and grabbed my neck, pulling me into a kiss. When I didn't kiss her back, she held my lower lip between her lips and stood like that for a while. I pulled myself away and stared at her. Something came onto me and I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her into the door, making a loud sound.

I kissed her lips harshly and traced my hand from her shoulder to her neck. I held her by the neck and pushed her more into the door, my lips still on hers. I finally pulled away and breathed heavily on her cheek.

"I need to leave, move away from the door, Mia." I sensed a change in my attitude which made Mia obey to immediately.

She was still close to the door as I opened it and it smashed into her shoulder. Ignoring it, I stepped out and closed the door behind me.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now