Don't Leave Me

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*Jimin's point of view*

I stayed awake all night, impatiently waiting for the time to pass. My body was hurting and I felt really weak which made me think of the condition Mia might be in. I hoped that she was still alive. I couldn't lose her.

Jin was sleeping next to me since he worried too much about me hurting myself. He forced me to eat some kimchi for dinner and I felt like throwing up.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and tried to sleep.

"Jimin... JIMIN! Can you hear me?" I heard Mia's hoarse voice.

I opened my eyes and sat up suddenly, drenched in sweat and my heart beating too fast.

"Jimin? You okay?" Jin woke up and turned on the bedside lamp.

"I... I think I'm going insane." I told him.

"Why?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"I zoned out in the club earlier... and I saw Mia standing next to me and right now I heard her calling me."

"You're having hallucinations, Jimin. Because you haven't been eating or sleeping properly. Get some sleep, please." Jin turned sides.

"I can't sleep. I can't wait to finally see Mia."

"I know... you'll see her tomorrow hopefully. Now go to sleep." Jin turned off the lamp.

My heart was still beating fast and I felt extremely restless. After turning sides and making Jin get annoyed, I finally fell asleep.


Next night, we all set the plan in motion. Namjoon and Hoseok stayed in the club to keep an eye on June and the boys. Taehyung and Jin stayed outside while me, Yoongi and Jungkook headed towards the back of the club with Nicky. It was the back entrance to the basement where there was a room. My heart was beating fast and I was sweating nervously as Yoongi opened the door.

The room seemed dark as me and Yoongi went inside while Jungkook and Nicky stood by the staircase. Yoongi turned on the torch of his phone, revealing a small figure on a chair. "MIA!" I yelled as I ran towards her. Her hands and legs were tied and a tape across her lips. Her eyes were closed. "Mia? Mia?" I shook her but she was unconscious and as I placed my hand on her chest, her heart seemed to be barely beating. "She's... she's unconscious. We need to take her to the hospital." I untied her, removed the tape and picked up her fragile body in my arms. I sobbed and shivered to see her condition as I brought her into light.

"Fuck! Someone's coming!" Jungkook said.

"Whose there?" I heard Bobby.

"Run, Jimin. Nicky, go with him." Jungkook pushed us as Bobby came down noticing me leaving.

"What do you think you're doing?" He ran but Jungkook and Yoongi managed to stop him. I ran to the car with Mia in my arms, Nicky following us. I laid her in the back and got in the front with Nicky and drove as fast as I could.


*Taehyung's point of view*

I saw Jimin getting into the car with Mia. A part of me was relieved but I was still stressed and wanted to know if she was alright. After he drove off, Bobby came running after him, followed by Yoongi and Jungkook. Bobby ran across me and Jin and into the club.

"Mia was unconscious. Bobby is going to tell June that we took her, we need to catch them before they escape." Yoongi spoke.

We ran into the club, Namjoon and Hoseok busy talking to each other until we told them. "Where the fuck did he take her?" June came at Yoongi while Namjoon reported to his father immediately. In some time, after a few punches from June to Yoongi and Jungkook, and vice versa, the police arrived.


*Jimin's point of view*

I took Mia into the emergency ward where they took her into a room and asked me and Nicky to wait outside. I strolled across the hall impatiently, running my hand through my hair.

After some time, the doctor finally came out. "Do you know how long she's been like this?" He asked.

"Yes, a month or so." I replied sadly. "Will she be okay?"

"Since she's been food deprived for so long, it's hard to tell when she'll be awake. We're feeding her through drips but she's too weak. As far as I can tell, she's been unconscious since a few days now. She might be conscious again in a week or two weeks, we cannot really be sure." The doctor told me.

I gulped and wiped my tears as I asked, "Can I at least see her right now?"

"Yes!" The doctor led me to the room.


The sight of Mia lying down with a drip attached to her and an oxygen mask made me tear up. She looked so weak and skinny, even her lips had lost the richness of colour. I sat next to her and held her delicate hand softly.

"Mia..." I kissed the back of her hand. "Please wake up. I can't live without you. I need you... I'm sorry I wasn't here to save you. I'm sorry!" I placed her hand against my wet cheek as I sobbed and looked towards Nicky.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now