I Need You

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*Jimin's point of view*

I didn't sleep all night and skipped on breakfast the next morning. I just wanted Mia back and I regretted not making up to her sooner. If I hadn't stayed home for three weeks, this would have never happened.

"Jimin, you need to eat. You didn't even have breakfast." Jin pushed a bowl of noodles towards me.

"I'm not hungry, hyung." I leaned back into the couch, the position I was sitting in since morning.

"Aish!" Jin groaned.

"Who was that guy, who Vicky said followed Mia?" Hoseok asked, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Kai!" Namjoon replied.

"How did Vicky know he was following her?" Hoseok asked again.

"Mia told her." Namjoon replied.

"I know him!" Yoongi came out of his room.

"What? How?" Namjoon and Jin asked together.

"I play poker in Club Cypher. He is one of the members who plays there. Mia plays there too." Yoongi told everyone. By now Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting in the lounge too.

"So that's what you knew about Mia..." Namjoon spoke in a whisper, realising. "But why would he follow her?"

"I'm going to go ask him tonight." Yoongi said.

Thinking about Club Cypher, it suddenly hit me; the awkwardness between June and Mia.

"Did June play poker there too?" I asked.

"Of course. Why?" Yoongi asked suspiciously and everyone looked towards me.

"When I went to the club with Mia, June came to us. I introduced the two of them but there was an awkwardness between them." I paused then said, "Mia kept telling me to stay away from June because she thought he seemed shady."

"I saw her only a few times at the poker game, and from what I saw, she was friends with June." Yoongi said confusedly.

"We need to go ask Kai! And please Jimin, eat something." Namjoon instructed me.


Late at night, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin left to meet with Kai. I was, however, still sitting on the couch, thinking about what might have happened.

We were told not to go to her apartment since it was a crime scene, but I really wanted to be there. Taehyung and Jungkook were in their rooms so I sneaked out.


*Yoongi's point of view*

We reached the club just in time. The poker game was about to start, but June wasn't there.

"Kai, where is June?" I asked.

"I don't know. He's not here today, busy elsewhere I guess." He replied calmly, busy setting the table.

"Bullshit! He never misses a game!" I said.

"I know but he's busy with something else." Kai replied, looking at me weirdly.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE YOU ASSHOLE!" Namjoon grabbed him by the neck.

"What the hell! I don't know dude!" Kai yelled, shoving Namjoon's arm away.

"Why the fuck were you following her?" Namjoon asked.

"Who?" Kai said cluelessly.

"Mia, who else!" Hoseok spoke, coming forward.

"Why would I be following her?" Kai laughed.

"You tell me, bitch!" I pushed him from his shoulders.

"If you're not going to play, then leave!" Kai tried pushing us away.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS JUNE?" I yelled into his face.

"I DON'T FUCKING..." and before he could speak further, Jin threw a punch across his face, making him land on a chair. "FUCK!" Kai yelled.

"Why the hell were you following Mia? What was going on between June and her?" Namjoon asked, placing his foot on Kai's leg.

"I wasn't following her goddamn it. Maybe they're fucking each other." He shrugged his shoulders and looked towards me, "Is she your girlfriend?" He smirked.

"Fuck you!" I pushed his head back from his forehead and turned to leave. The rest of them followed me out.

"That asshole is lying." Namjoon said.

"I know! Did the police find something yet?" I asked Namjoon.

"I'll call dad and ask in the morning." Namjoon replied, getting into the car.

*Jimin's point of view*

I put on my black hoodie and walked all the way to Mia's apartment. The door had "DO NOT ENTER" signs in front of it. I opened the door and made my way inside, bending down to avoid the signs.

As soon as my eyes fell upon the scene again, they filled with tears and my heart sunk. I wiped them with my fingers and went into her room.

I opened her closet and hid my face in her clothes. I had missed her scent so much, it made me tear up even more. I took out her black laced underwear and stuffed it in my pocket.

I sat on her bed where I had found her bag with the makeup fallen out. I opened the bedside drawer which had a new cigarette pack lying inside, along with a lighter. I took out a cigarette and lit it how Mia had taught me once. She offered me to smoke several times but I always refused because I liked tasting it from her lips. I tried to inhale a few times and ended up coughing. No matter how I was smoking, the taste reminded me of Mia.

I pressed the cigarette bud on my jeans to put it out. It burnt through to my skin but the pain was nothing compared to the one I was already going through. I leaned back into the mattress, closed my eyes and remembered the times I had been there with Mia.


I woke up as the sunlight shone over my face. I hadn't slept for long and my head hurt badly. I got up to notice that I was still at Mia's apartment. The cigarette box and lighter lay beside me on the bed. I stuffed them into my hoodie pocket and silently left.

When I went back home, everyone was standing worriedly in the lounge.

"Where were you all night, Jimin?" Jin asked.

"I was... I was..." My voice trailed off as I thought of what to say.

"Jimin?" Yoongi came towards me.

"You left your phone here too. Where did you go? We were worried sick!" Hoseok said.

"Wait, why do you smell of cigarettes?" Yoongi noticed.

"I was at... at... Mia's..." before I could finish, Namjoon interrupted.

"What? You're not supposed to go there, Jimin!" He said.

"I know... I... I just wanted to..." I didn't say anything further as my voice began to crack.

"Did you bring anything from there?" Namjoon asked.

"Just her cigarettes box and lighter." I took them out and showed.

"Oh God Jimin!" Namjoon face palmed.

"It's okay! Just don't go there again." Yoongi patted my shoulder. "Go freshen up!"

I went into my room to change into fresh pair of clothes. I emptied my jeans pockets and realised I had kept Mia's underwear too. I smelled it once and put it in my underwear drawer.


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