Spine Breaker

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*Jimin's point of view*

I couldn't sleep all night due to excitement for today. I got out of bed early; butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Are you humming?" Yoongi asked peeping inside my room. I realised I'd been doing that while changing.

The door between our and the other's apartment was open and the smell of pancakes made my stomach rumble. I hummed my way into the kitchen where Jin was preparing breakfast.

"Why are you humming so early in the morning and what did you do to your hair?" Jin asked.

"I'm just happy." I replied, smiling to myself. I'd dyed my hair blonde in the morning since I wanted Mia to notice.

Everyone kept teasing me throughout breakfast and I did not mention my plans for the day. I wanted to ask Mia for coffee before heading for dance class but Yoongi told me he'd seen her leave early. It sucked my joy away and I left.


Finally after class was over, I headed straight to Jungkook's Tae kwon-do match. I immediately recognised Mia in the crowd as she was the only purple head sitting there. She was too busy following Jungkook with her eyes, clapping and cheering for him.

I stood in the corner, jealous of Jungkook. He caught every girl's attention wherever he went. And in fact, he was popular amongst girls as the boy who is good at everything. I impatiently waited for the fight to finish.

Jungkook won and received the title "Spine Breaker". He took his medal and went straight to Mia.

"Congrats Kookie!" She hugged him.

"Ahh, I'm sweaty." He said pulling away quickly. I was ready to go ask Mia for coffee when Jungkook interrupted, "Want to go celebrate?" He asked with a puppy face.

Mia agreed and left hand in hand with Jungkook, without even noticing me. I couldn't decide whether I was sad or angry. However, I headed home.


I lay on the couch changing tv channels emotionlessly. None of my friends were home, they all had plans and I was yet alone again. It was almost 10 pm and my thoughts were driving me insane.

What are they doing since so long? Why aren't they back yet? Would Jungkook have asked her out?

Around 10:30 pm, they finally got back. Mia was still praising Jungkook. I quickly got up, changed into a better shirt and sprayed perfume all over it. Just as I was about to leave, I heard her say, "Okay Kookie I'm too tired now. See you later." I sighed and thought of leaving it but went out anyway.

As soon as I stepped out of my apartment, Mia turned to meet my gaze.

"Hey Jimin." She smiled until she noticed and yelled, "YOUR HAIR!" I blushed a little as she continued, "Why did you do this?"

Her comment had me thinking that it was a bad idea and it probably didn't look good at all. I scratched my head and asked her, "Does it look bad? I wanted a change."

"No! It looks super cute." She complimented, making me blush even more. "Where are you off to though?" She added.

I gulped as I suddenly remembered why I was there. "Uh... I... I was going out for some coffee. Would you like to join me?" I muttered softly, pressing my lips together, waiting for her answer.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now