Just Dance

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*Jimin's point of view*

Saturday was a drag as I didn't get to spend time with Mia. Taehyung and her returned late after the exhibition. I was unable to sleep due to the excitement for tomorrow but I also felt a little uncomfortable after what she had said in the morning.


I spent half of Sunday with the guys who constantly teased me.

"How rude Jimin, why didn't you invite me and Vicky to double date?" Namjoon complained.

"It's not a date, Joonie." I sighed.

"Why not? Don't you know how to ask out a girl?" Jungkook mocked me, making me feel embarrassed.

"Hey stop it guys." Hoseok finally took my side. "Yeah guys stop! I'm sure Mia will enjoy with him." Jin added.

"Have fun bro," Tae winked as I went to change.

I wore light blue jeans with a white v neck t-shirt and a colourful sequence jacket. It was my most favourite jacket that I owned and I hoped that Mia wouldn't make fun of it.

I sprayed cologne all over myself especially on my neck. I was fixing my hair when I heard Mia.

"Jimin Jimin Jimin!" She rushed in. This was the first time she came into my room and I had clothes, shoes and everything lying around. She looked around; probably judging me. She hadn't changed yet and I thought she'd come to cancel.

"Mia, uh I was just getting dressed. Sorry, my room is too messy." I said as she came closer to me.

"It's alright. Actually..." she paused then continued, "Help me pick something to wear. I don't have anything fancy like your jacket, which, by the way looks so cool." She stroked my arm, feeling the sequences.

"Umm, thanks." I blushed and we went to her apartment.

She opened her closet which had nothing but black and grey clothes, except a few purple and red shirts. Guessing from her clothes, she didn't go out to fancy places. A black sequence blouse caught my sight and I took it out.

"Wear this with black pants, it'll look nice. Actually, anything you wear will look good on you." I smiled at her.

"Thanks Jimin. I'll go change." She grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom. She came out quickly wearing the blouse which revealed her shoulders. She wore a dark purple lipstick which enhanced her lips and her eyes were perfectly outlined with eyeliner.

I stared at her for a bit and said, "Wow! You look amazing." She smiled as a response, making her cheeks go pink. As we left the apartment, she turned to look me in the eyes and said, "You look beautiful by the way, Jimin. This jacket reflects your personality so perfectly."


"Ready to have fun?" I asked Mia as we reached Club Cypher. She nodded and we began dancing slowly in the corner. Within no time, I lost myself to the beat. I could feel her watching me and I wanted my every move to be perfect. I was busy showing my moves when I heard her say, "You're an amazing dancer, Jimin."

I smiled at her compliment and pulled her closer to me by her waist. She placed her hands around my neck immediately and pushed herself into my body. We were moving together to the beat, mostly me leading her. But more than moving along the beat, Mia didn't seem to want to let go of me. She gripped my neck tightly, leaning in closer and closer. Our faces were so close, I could feel her hot breath.

"You smell so nice, Jimin." She whispered into my ear. A wave of chills ran through my body and I pulled her by the waist, even though our bodies were already touching. I kissed her cheek softly and we danced some more until we were interrupted.

"Hi Jimin." It was my friend, June, who was the owner of the club. "Whose this?" He pointed towards Mia.

"Mia, this is June. He's my friend and the owner of this place." I introduced them.

"Hi!" Mia gave him a fake smile indicating that she wanted him to leave. I sensed tension between them and June left. Mia immediately turned to me and said, "Why're you friends with him?"

"I come here a lot. So he knows me. And he's a dancer too." Mia still did not seem satisfied by my answer.

"He seems shady. You should stay away from him." She seemed too concerned but I didn't mind.

After arguing about June, we danced some more and stopped by a pizza place for dinner.

On our way back, I felt that she was worried. I asked her but she only said that she didn't think June was someone I should be friends with. I took that as her caring for me which probably meant that she liked me.

I wanted to ask her but it was too soon.


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