Make It Right

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*Jimin's point of view*

Yoongi reached Mia's apartment shortly after I called him. He was just as shocked as I was to see the mess.

I sat on Mia's bed with her bathrobe in my hands. I was angry at myself for not trusting her and leaving her alone.

"It's my fault. It happened because of me. I shouldn't have left her. It's all my fault." I squeezed the bathrobe and got up.

"No, don't blame yourself Jimin. You couldn't have known." Yoongi tried calming me, but I was too sad and angry.

"NO! I SHOULD HAVE KEPT HER WITH ME." I clenched my teeth. "WHYYYYY? WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THIS TO HER. WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?" I punched the wall every time I said why and eventually broke into tears again. I fell on my knees, rubbing my eyes.

Yoongi had called Namjoon since his father was a police officer. After a while, when the news had travelled to everyone, they all came too.

"I... I should call Vicky," I thought of asking her if she knew anything about Mia missing.

"Wait WHAT?" I put the phone on speaker. "What are you saying? You don't know she's missing?"

Everyone gathered around me as Vicky spoke, "Two week's ago on Monday, Mia texted me at night saying that she was going to meet you. She even emailed the office asking for a two weeks leave. I tried calling her a few days ago but she didn't pick up. I figured she was busy with you. But... you're saying she's missing?"

"Her apartment is a fucking mess!" Yoongi shouted in the phone. "We found her broken phone and a knife with blood on it!"

"WHAT," Vicky managed to say before she went completely silent.

Vicky rushed to the apartment too, looking everywhere in terror. I couldn't focus on anything but the fact that someone might have killed Mia.

Soon the police arrived and turned the entire house into a crime scene. We were asked not to touch anything and had to leave. I had to let go of the bathrobe which Taehyung took away from me, making me cry even more.

As we were leaving the apartment, I bent down to pick up the melted chocolates and the dying roses when a female police stopped me.

"Sorry, those are evidences too." She said.

I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces as I left all my memories behind.


Blood, Sweat & Tears | Jimin   [republished]Where stories live. Discover now