Do You Think It Makes Sense?

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*Jimin's point of view*

Ever since I got back, Mia stayed over at my place. Even though we didn't get enough privacy, it was good to have her here. The guys often teased us which didn't effect Mia at all but got me annoyed.

My suspicions were however still there because of the tension between Yoongi and Mia. Everyone got along with her except him. I wondered what went wrong between them but couldn't figure it out.

We were having breakfast when Mia asked Yoongi to pass her the jam bottle and he smacked it in front of her. I wanted to punch him for treating Mia like that but since he was like an elder brother to me, I didn't say anything.

Since Mia was here, Namjoon invited Vicky too. Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung put on a video game and started challenging each other. Taehyung was the first one out, then Jin lost too.

"Mia? Would you except my challenge?" Hoseok called out. Mia was sitting on my lap at the corner one seater couch. Since she loved video games, she got up immediately.

"Of course!" She smiled at him, squeezing herself to the middle of the couch. She placed her hand on the table to pick up the controller as her face was towards Hoseok since they were giggling. Without realising, she picked up the controller which hit the Sprite can. The can fell straight on Yoongi's bare feet; who was sitting on the other side of Mia.

"FUCK! Watch it woman!" He got up, yelling at Mia. "Keep your eyes where they are supposed to be you idiot!" He added.

Everyone, including Mia, stared at him as he got up to leave. I clenched my teeth with anger but I didn't say anything. Hoseok, however, did it for me.

"What the fuck is your issue Yoongi?" Hoseok got up and went after him. Yoongi ignored and headed into his room but Hoseok stepped in front of him and pushed him back with both his hands. "Answer me you jerk!"

Yoongi stood there as if he was ready to take a punch. He shrugged his shoulders in a cunning manner making Hoseok grab him by the collar. "It's one thing that you keep lashing out at us but why the fuck are you against Mia?" He yelled.

"What are you, her boyfriend?" Everyone's eyes widened as he said that. "I've seen how chummy you get with her. Kissing her cheeks and cuddling into her all the time." He paused then turned to me, "Don't you care about who she's with behind your back? You all are fucking blind, open your eyes and see what's happening around you dumbass!" My head started hurting badly as I heard Yoongi's harsh words. I suddenly realised that Mia and Hoseok had been too close but I'd never thought of it the way I was thinking now.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hoseok screamed into his face. "Stay away from Mia, you asshole!" He pushed Yoongi into the wall and sat on the couch.

"Yeah whatever! I'm not dying to go close to her anyway, you can have her." Yoongi slammed his room door making everyone jolt. Mia and Hoseok exchanged glances then looked towards me. I felt extremely tensed and went into my room without a word.

A few seconds later, Mia came into the room. She seemed upset too. I wanted to hold her and tell her that Yoongi was a jerk but I felt hurt too.

"Jimin!" Mia said, sitting next to me on the bed. We sat in silence for a while until I asked her.

"How close are you and Hoseok? Tell me honestly!" I stared in her eyes as she replied.

"Really close. He's the closest guy friend I have."

"Why does he kiss your cheeks and cuddle you? Does he do it better than me?" I hated asking her such questions but I wanted to make sense of what Yoongi had said.

"That's just how he is. And I feel comfortable with him because I know he doesn't have feelings for me." I appreciated her honesty but it cut through my heart like a knife. "How are you so sure he doesn't?" I bit my lip.
"Because if he did, I would have felt it. He treats me like a sister." "What went wrong between you and Yoongi?" I finally asked. "He just doesn't like me being with you. Maybe that's how much he cares about you." It made me want to laugh sarcastically because now I was sure that he liked Mia. That's why he had been acting weirdly.

"He likes you, Mia!" I laughed.

"How do you know?" She asked, making it obvious that she probably knew too.

"Why else would he not want you to be with me?"

"I don't know!" Mia said softly.

It was the first time I went to sleep next to Mia without kissing her. I wanted to hug her tight but it made me uncomfortable so I slept hugging a pillow instead.


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