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Start from the beginning

Me and Nayeli expanded our brand, we even started our own cosmetic line which is doing wonders; a spectrum of facial to hair products. Although I did spend time at the spa here in New York, I would work from home time to time which is nice as I got to spend time with my two little ones, while the three oldest were at school.

And every three months Cairo and I would fly out to Miami to check on our properties, but our home was now in New York. I know he missed it, and my ass is still getting adjusted to these cold ass winters, but I was loving it. We lived just outside the city, but we were still in good distance from our businesses too.

 We lived just outside the city, but we were still in good distance from our businesses too

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I love me some him. After his infidelity we went to both premarital and anger management classes, helping us get to a better and healthy space. I loved how open and vulnerable we became. And after the birth of Alani, she was two weeks past her due date, lil baby gave us a scare but it made us and our love stronger. A month after we went to the courthouse and got married on August 10th.

It's just wild to me how we've been in each other's lives for seven years and built from there.

He's my best friend and lover, even with our flaws. Life has really been good with him, we've grown through our mistakes and the street shit would always be there, I knew he still had his dealings, but he's being safe about it. I've also noticed that everyone on the streets of New York respected him, which is good to see cause there was always drama in Miami.

As promised I saw Nicole, she got her ass beat again. She was all bark but no bite, we know this. But after that ass whoopin, I promised myself I wouldn't fight anymore. Bitches would try though, so we'll see.

That's not all though, Nicole tried to throw that court shit in about getting custody over Kairi. That shit was aggy, because Kai barely knew her, but she did have faint memories of her mother. A few good and bad, but that's not anyone's fault but Nicole's. The court hearings lasted for about three months, but Nicole's ass didn't show up to the last two, and that annoyed the judge because of the papers she filed for me to become a legal guardian too. The judge called it a waste of time and apologized to both me and Cairo.

"When'd you get home?" I furrowed my brows, as I felt the bed dip, his arm wrapping around me as he pulled me on top of him, my legs on either side of him. "You know we don't like outside clothes touching our bedding." I poked his nose, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss against his lips.

"We'll change em later." He chuckled lowly, licking the corner of his lip as his hand rested on the small of my back. "You must've been out of it mamas, we been home the past hour. Where was ya head at?"

"Just thinking about how far we came." I lifted a shoulder, my hands planting on his shoulders as I sat up. "It's been a day today too. Oodie and Lia had me all over the place, but when do they not?" I chuckled mildly. Both of them being the youngest out the bunch, Elijah is turning two this month and Talia turned one in March, 3 days after Kairi's birthday. "And you still want more kids? You crazy as hell."

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