♛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ₅₇

Start from the beginning

See, nasty.

"You really lack patience, this is sad." I laughed lowly, causing him to thump my forehead. I bucked at him which had him jump back and mutter stop playin. "Then don't touch me, aggy ass. Butttt go smoke or sumn, I'm gon bring the balloon out in the next ten."

"Fasho. Imma tell Cass to give you a gift cause you being mean." He laughed, walking off.

Like I said, aggy ass. Cassius wasn't gon do shit to me, he already knows I be minding my own business so that's that. Shaking my head I went over to the drinks and poured me some lemonade, taking a much needed sip. I was parched since I was running around, getting things together, but it was almost over.

Walking into the house near the entrance way, I grabbed the black balloon that was filled with the color confetti. I was truly excited to see everyone's reaction.

"Alright, parents lets do this!" I smiled at Anahi as she was hugged up under Cairo, they didn't know how to stay away from each other. "Y'all get your cameras ready and gather around." I stood in the middle of the yard, placing the balloon down as the weights on the bottom held it in place.

"Finally!" Cairo exclaimed, causing Anahi to nudge him. "I'm playin baby, relax." He laughed, pulling her back to him and kissing around her face. He was not playing, he was just complaining to me, but imma let him rock.

"Cai here's the needle to pop the balloon." I handed the needle to him and moved out the way, going over to Cassius. "On my count of three, do that shit!" I laughed, Cassius chuckling as he wrapped his arms over my shoulders. "One....two....three!!!!"

The girls hooting and hollering, Cairo picked up Anahi and spun her around, kissing around her face

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The girls hooting and hollering, Cairo picked up Anahi and spun her around, kissing around her face. It was a beautiful moment to say the least.


"Calm down, Cairo!" I heard mama Eve shout, causing me to shake my head. Here he goes acting out. "Handle that bullshit later! Your other work shouldn't even be your focus! Are you kiddin me?!"

"Fuck that mama! Some niggas shot at the shop, that's business that's gon be lost!" He fired back, I looked to Anahi as we sat on the couch and she screwed her top lip up. "That's not sumn I'm gon brush under the rug. Some bum niggas really boutta get got!"

"You gonna go check on him?" I asked, Anahi nodded as she pushed herself up from the couch. "Be that center for him." I smirked, knowing how they operated. I loved to see it.

"Shut up, Neli." She chuckled, brushing down her dress. "Make sure my babies are good." She looked over her shoulder before walking into the kitchen.

I chuckled lowly, and put my focus on Kai and KJ as their little eyes were glued to the tv screen. Little foot displayed, it was a cute movie, it showed true character and the real meaning of friendships too. It's crazy how most adults can depict the message, and little kids try to understand the concept behind the film.

Found A Way || D.E. & C.B.Where stories live. Discover now