“I see,” I nodded. The boy gave me a small smile. 

“I can see what you’re thinking. And yes, I’m underage. I don’t have the best family situation at the moment. I’m my father’s toy, I guess.”

“Oh,” I nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine,” he shrugged. “I’m Daehyun,” he introduced, giving me a hand. I gave it a shake.

“I’m Sujin.”

“Nice to meet you,” he smiled warmly at me. “Hey, so are you living here with your father?”

“Y-yeah, for now,” I admitted. I wasn’t sure how much I could trust him, but I felt strangely safe.

“My father says it’s very unfit here. Did you ever wonder why your house is the only occupied one in the whole street?”

“Yeah, actually. And we just kinda moved back in a few days ago. I think we’re moving to the States soon.”

“Oh. So you don’t know about the dioxin poisoning?”

“N-not really,” I shook my head, thinking of what scene I had just seen in my head. Was I supposed to trust myself?

“Really? It’s dangerous.”

“Is it?” I was starting to get nervous. “How do you know?”

“Well your father told us it was illegal to get in here since after being surrounded by the poisoning long term can affect you, but he said a night party isn’t long enough to do harm. So we all figured out how to sneak in. I’m not quite sure how it happened. My father wanted me to drink a few minutes ago, and it was only my second time. Everything’s blurry at the moment.”

“Oh. That’s not healthy, you’re too young.”

“I know. Don’t worry about me, though.”

“Ah.” I looked to the yard. 

“So, you should try to move as soon as you can, it’s not good to stay in the area for long.”

“I know, but I guess you can probably tell, I-I don’t have the best family situation either. You see, I was adopted...” I trailed off. I wasn’t sure how much to tell him.

“Into this family?” He looked at me thoughtfully.

“Listen,” I started. For some reason, I trusted him already. He was just like me. I needed to tell someone my situation. “Do you know the boy band BTS?”

“Uh, don’t think so,” he said, scrunching his eyes and leaning back in thought.

“That makes life simpler,” I mumbled, “So they adopted me, long story. But the person here, the host, is my real father. I was placed in alternative care for a long time because he abused my mother. She took me to the care home before she died to save me from my father.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear. Do you know what killed her?”

“No,” I shook my head.

“Maybe it was the dioxin poisoning, I heard a lot were affected before the government knew it was a problem.”

“Oh, wow,” I gasped. “I think you’re right. I mean, maybe not, but that makes sense.”

“Yeah. Well, either way, I’m sorry. But why are you here now? Didn’t those boys adopt you?”

“They did,” I lowered my voice. “My real father somewhat.. Kidnapped me. He forced me here and I don’t know how to get back. I legally belong to the boys, BTS. But I’m here.”

Forever, You are Young // BTS Adopted Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now