Chapter 8

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I gave the room a rueful smile, knowing I'd probably visit the orphanage, but the room wouldn't belong to me anymore. It was an imperceptible feeling,

In a way, I was leaving my whole life behind. But, it was going to be okay. I could tell.

I ran up the stairs, following Taehyung through the house. Along the way, there were a few paintings hanging along the white walls, and I glanced at them while walking on the nice tan, spongy carpet. Taehyung stopped at a door, about to open it. When he noticed me looking at the pictures, he smiled.

"Vincent Van Gogh," he told me, nodding towards the pictures.

"That one too?" I asked, looking at one a bit different from the others. Taehyung seemed to become taut, and he winced.

"I did that one, actually, and it's not something I'm very proud of, so let's move on," he quickly told me turning to the door of the room he had stopped in front of.

"But that's really good. You don't have a reason to be ashamed of it," I told him, still staring at the painting. It was indeed one of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings that Taehyung had re-done, but it was beautiful. I recognized it as "Starry Night", but with Taehyung's little touch. I couldn't put a finger on it, but there was a little bit of added personality to the painting that made it special. "I really like it."

Taehyung blushed, "Well, I don't like it and the members don't seem to care about it, so if you'd like, it can be in your room."


"Of course. You are now my little dongsaeng and I know you'd take care of it."

"Thank you," I whispered, not peeling my eyes from the painting.

"Speaking of your room, I know you slept in it and probably saw the basics of it," he began, and I interrupted.

"Actually, no. This morning I woke up and came to find you guys, so I'd better get a look at it," I explained.

"Ah, okay," he shrugged before he swung open the door that his hand had been on. He stepped in, and I ran to come see.

"Jin let Jimin to choose the color of the room, but we all helped with the rest."

I stood, silently. I slowly scanned the room, taking in every detail. The walls were a light blue, and I really liked it. To the left, there was a small white desk. Next to it was a bed, with covers and pillows the same color as the walls. At the end of the room, there was a window. To the right, a small TV was on the wall, and a open door that I could tell led to a bathroom. The carpet was a cream color in a shade that fit the room perfectly.

Seeing that I wasn't saying or doing anything, Taehyung put a hand to his neck, and seemed to hesitate, "Of course, we can always re-paint the walls a better color or buy you decorations-"

"This is amazing," I whispered.

"Is it?" he asked, glancing at me hopefully.

Of course! And even if it wasn't, it shouldn't expect any more than what you've given me. Really, Taehyung, you couldn't have done better."

"Ah, I'm so glad."

I walked over to the bed and stroked my hand on top of the sheets. They were soft and I could tell they were new. I looked at the nice, shiney Samsung TV, and the large desk that would be perfect for whatever work I'd have to do in the future.

"Seriously, this is amazing. I'm very excited."

"I'm glad, we really tried."

After a few more seconds of looking around, Taehyung suggested, "Let's go grab your boxes and you can get set up."

"Alright," I agreed, and we ran downstairs to grab the boxes.

Once all boxes were in my room, Taehyung left to let me get my stuff set and so I could have a little of time alone with my room to get used to it.

I worked on it hard for another two hours, the members occasionally dropping by to see if I needed anything, and how I was doing. Jin had just poked his head into the door.

"Looks nice so far!"

"Mm, I could agree."

"Hm," he giggled, ruffling my hair a bit. "You're so cute, Sujin."

I giggled. The words sounded so familiar. Then, almost instantly, I recognized it, and a sharp feeling engulfed me. It was strong, and it made me cower.

Jin watched me with vigilance as I looked down and shut my eyes in terror.

The strong memory took over my mind, creating an impediment over the happiness that I had been swimming in a few seconds ago.

"You're so cute, Sujin!" the lady called. Who was she?

"No, she's a little brat," another voice spat. Where was the voice coming from? I wanted to look around and find it but I couldn't see anything else.

And wait- where was that smell coming from? Was it lavender and freshly cut wood?

What about the brown walls surrounding me? No, the bright lights, too.

The voices came from everywhere. Right, left, then right again. It started to confuse me. I felt very dizzy.

Wait, I think that's it. Those people, I know where I am! It's that little place-


"Huh?" I asked as Jin's face came back into focus.

I was scared, what had just happened?

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes." No, I was not. "Sorry, I was just thinking about what.. I want to do next ," I lied, trying to not make it obvious that my heart was beating ten times it's normal.

"Ah, okay." Jin nodded, even though I could tell he wasn't completely convinced.

My heart was still pounding a little too fast, but I tried to focus on Namjoon as he ran across the hall before he stopped at my door.

"Hey, Sujin, one of our managers just gave me a call and said he'd be over to talk about few things concerning you, and he wanted you to meet him."

"Alright," I agreed.

"I'll let you get ready," Jin told me, turning around and leaving quickly. I was worried he was thinking about my weird reaction a minute ago.

I shut my room door and sat down, sliding down the wood door.

What was that? Where did it come from? I felt it so clearly as if I had teleported somewhere and came back. It scared me.

Sujin, it's just you coping with everything that's happening right now. You just got a new family, you're in a new place with new people, you're just homesick. Maybe you were just imagining how Aecha would have said what Jin did.

But where did the other voice come from?

I stopped my thoughts. I couldn't be like this now. Not here, not now.

I stood up and promised myself that I would try to forget about it and be strong. I had to do this so that I could stay with the boys. I wanted them to be my family. I would try not to let it affect me again. I placed my new phone on the nightstand next to my new bed, and then ran back downstairs to meet all seven boys who had collected around the living room.

Forever, You are Young // BTS Adopted Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now